Chapter Fourteen

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A few days has gone by and the King's health had improved gradually.
His wife has been taking good care of him all through and lady Regina made sure his medications were properly taken. He also moved back to his matrimonial chamber.
Ruby was with him at the moment while Mae was at the kitchen preparing a meal for Alexander.
Mother on her own part was attending to official duties when a maid informed her on the arrival of Lady Sutton Rahl.

Lady Regina entered the foyer to see an anxious looking lady.

"mother, how's Alexander?" Sutton hurried towards Regina.

"he is all better now, we thank the heavens"
Lady Regina was grateful for her concern.

"oh thank Proteus! I had offered petitions at his temple"
she gave off a breath she was holding.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner, I hope I'm not too late to look after him?"

"there's no need for that child, Ruby and I can do that and the queen is capable of handling her husband"
Mother didn't appreciate the indirect insult Sutton had given Mae.

"I know mother, I just feel obligated to" Sutton smiled

"you shouldn't, my daughter in law is all he needs right now" lady Regina hadn't been one to have such a little temper but right now, she could snap at any moment.

"could I at least see him"
Lady Rahl just didn't know when to stop.

"I'm afraid you cannot, he's asleep at the moment. I'll let him know you stopped by when he wakes" she firmly stated before turning to retreat.

"but mother"
Sutton grasp mother's arm.

"Sutton, it would be better you know your place and not overstep your boundaries"
Lady Regina said before walking away.

Her hunch just wouldn't let her accept Sutton. Even when she was a little girl, lady Regina's husband was the only reason she let Sutton close to her son. There was more to that girl than they knew. Her motherly instincts could feel it.
She walked into the kitchen to see a fully concentrated Mae. A smile graced her face, this girl was a blessing to their family, she couldn't thank the heavens enough.
A feast was held in honour of their victory at war and the recovery of the king. Noble families flocked the ball room as some dined and others chatted the night away.
Women dressed beautifully in gowns with expensive accessories and the men were dressed elegantly.
The queen was dressed in a breathtaking burgundy gown, the top a beautiful lace flowering while the king looked absolutely dashing.

Mother and I have been talking with her friends for awhile now as I stole a glance at my husband who was in the company of Brad and Julian.
Ruby on the other hand was at a far end with her friends, she looked stunning tonight. Mother has plans to marry her off to lord Daniel of the Richmond estate.
In my opinion, I think he's a perfect match for Ruby although we were yet to reveal this to Alexander.

Cathindra had finally arrived. Excusing my self from the women, I went to meet her where she stood before Ruby joined in.
We were deep in our conversation when my eyes wandered to Alexander who was now in the company of a lady I have
never seen before.

"who's that with Alexander?" I said drawing both their attention towards the pair.

"Sutton!" excitement evident in Ruby's tone.

"she's beautiful" I genuinely said "I've not seen her around. Was she at the wedding?"

"No, she had left with her mother a few years back. I guess she's back now" Ruby answered.

" Sutton and Alexander were inseparable as children Mae, oh you needed to see them they looked so cute together. Rumours flocked around my estate that she would be queen " Cathindra absentmindedly said before Ruby shoots her a dagger look.

I was dumbfounded to say the least. To be sincere she actually looked like the kind of woman my husband would fancy.
Come to think of it I haven't even questioned him on the certain Rhya he called for on his death bed.

Alexander's gaze locked with mine and he gave a genuine smile. It took all of me to stop my face from turning red.
Cathindra excused herself to go meet her brother as Ruby and I made our way towards my husband.

"Ruby!" the flawless girl exclaimed as she engulfed Ruby in a hug. I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

Sparks ran through my body as Alexander gently pulled me to himself.
"you look beautiful" his husky voice invaded my ears before his lips touched mine. I could already feel my face grow pink, oh dear heavens I can't ever get use to this.

"Good gracious! Is this the queen?" the pale skinned girl questioned breaking apart I and Alexander's lip lock.

" Yes Sutton, this is my wife"
His voice coming out rather to harshly.

"Hello I'm Mae" a friendly smile found its way to my face.

"It's nice to finally meet you my lady. Alex-- uhm the king has mentioned about you. I'm Sutton" she said.

She calls him by his name? Isn't that wrong, I know they were fond of each other while growing up but wasn't she supposed to address him as 'my lord' or something else as everyone does?

"walk with me" the kings voice invaded my inner turmoil leaving no space for arguments. His blue eyes stared deep into my soul.
Mr Perfect will definitely be the death of me.

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