Chapter Twenty Four

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"Sire, the queen's condition is fine although I've detected the cause of her drowsiness"

I lay on the bed listening intensely to the court physician. A messenger had been sent to get him after the incident.

"Is she ill?" anxiety laced Alexander's words

"Apparently not Sire, rather the queen is with child" a smile spread across his face on disclosing this information.

I'm with child?

"Mae's with child?" his words mirrored my disbelief.

"yes, Sire. From the looks of things, she's two months gone already" the physician stated

"how is that even possible?" my husband questioned, sparing me a glance.

I've been with child for the past two months and I've not been aware?? How?

"she seems to be on the little side and a slow developer, the baby bump will be noticeable in time, and the symptoms a lot from now"
the man explained making my hands move down my stomach.

A tiny life has been growing in me all this while and I didn't even have the slightest clue.
I had missed my flux last month but didn't ponder much over it passing it off as stress.

"I'll send a medication to the queen, it should put the morning sickness in check," he said packing up his things

" congratulations my lady" he bows before exiting the chamber leaving a rather stunned king and me.


"Mae!" laughter escapes his lips as he stalks towards me.
"We're going to have a child Mae"
He peppered my face with multiple kisses.

"I know" was all I could manage before his lips locked with mine.

"Oh, my dear Proteus! Tell me it's true child"
Mothers walked into our chamber breaking apart our lip lock.

"It's true Mother"
Joyful tears streamed down my eyes.

" thank you so much for this Mae" She pushed past her son and engulfs me in a hug.

"Alex my dear son, you'll finally have an heir"

"well you seem happier than I am," Alexander said under his breath making me chuckle.

Over the past few months, the news of my being with a child blew through the kingdom like the wind. Our subjects trooped into the castle offering gifts of different species.

True to the physician's words, the baby bump became visible putting to shame those who thought my being with child was false.

Mother and Ruby predicted the child to be a girl and already started picking out baby names while Alexander thought otherwise saying it was a healthy boy. The rightful heir to the throne.

I didn't join in on the fuss. Whatever gender my child was I would still love what's mine.

Lord Julian Jefferson has been at the castle for a while now. I think it was based on my husband's instructions.
Julian had officially become my babysitter and accompanied me throughout the day. This was getting infuriating.

Mother would stuff me up with food and fruits unending while Julian stood by supporting her, saying it was for the good of the baby.

Two weeks ago, papa surprised me by paying a visit. He took time out from his busy schedule to visit the castle after hearing of my state.
Happiness and fulfillment adorned his face.
Finally, I would give the kingdom an heir. This mere thought warmed my heart.

I sat in our chamber, the large windows opened for the evening air to flow freely.
I was engrossed in a book Papa had gifted me with upon his visit.

The front door opened and my husband's scent hit my nostrils.
Taking in a breath of the intoxicating scent, I rose to meet him.

His thick arms wrapped around me in a hug as he placed a kiss on my forehead.
Kneeling on a leg, he placed kisses on my now protruding stomach. He made this a daily routine.

"I Have something for you"

"what's that?" I couldn't help the feeling of curiosity.

Putting his hand into his pocket, he takes out a bracelet with little shiny raven stones.

"Dear Proteus!" I exclaimed
"Alexander it's so beautiful"
I could feel my eyes brim with tears.
Ughh, Stupid mood swings.

He let out a chuckle. "I'm glad you like it "

"why wouldn't I," I said adoring the beautiful item.

"come dine with me" his voice drew me from the bracelet's charm

"oh please not food again, Mother has been stuffing me with all types of food" I complained.
It was definite I'll gain weight after childbirth.

"well she does have a point, you should eat more. Remember you're feeding for two now"
He said leading me to the dining room.

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