Chapter Twenty Eight

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A month had gone by since I remembered, and I still felt like an empty shell.
Alexander doesn't come to our chamber anymore, I don't even feel his presence at home either.
If he eventually came home, he would watch from a distance and leave immediately.

Mother was overly worried on my recent behavior but I passed it as pregnancy changes which she reluctantly agreed to.

All I wanted to do was talk to someone about the situation but I couldn't. Alexander and I were the only ones aware of our predicament, Not even mother knew her son was the long forgotten immortal Axion.

I struggled to keep up with eating and resting for the health of the child, keeping all the hurt and pain bottled up in me did nothing other than shatter me.

"Mae I need to talk to you" Alexander announced walking into our chamber.

"leave me alone, I told you I don't want to talk"

"you need to hear me out, it's stressing the baby Mae!" he stated walking to where I sat.

"I know how to take care of my child"

"just hear me out!" he yelled shutting me up.

"As you said, I'm not human or rather I wasn't human" he said taking a seat beside me.

"what do you mean?" I questioned

"there's more to the story than you remember Mae" my husband begun

"I was an immortal, a god so to say charged to look after the human realm. I cared and provided for them and granted their petitions if it was within my power."

He paused before continuing

"I was at the mortal world on a certain day when you caught my eyes, You looked so pure and beautiful. It took time but I eventually got your attention."

"that day, at the mahogany tree" I chirped in

"yes, that day. You fell for my charms and we got married before Proteus" he wiggled his eyebrow teasingly.
If it was any other day, I would have chuckled at that sight.

"there were some immortals against our union, they feared what our offspring would be but I couldn't care less. You gave me your all, your body, soul, love, cries, laughter, - everything.
You didn't care that I was immortal eventually one day you would - - "

" one day I'd die and you'll be alone " I said the words he couldn't.

" I couldn't let that happen, I couldn't bare to see you die Mae. You completed me, put an end to the longing I once had so I brought up the idea of the petition, - to approach Proteus and the council to make you immortal just like us but they were hesitant on it. We waited for months and still there was no response "

" where did we live? " I questioned making him chuckle.

" A palace near the sea, you were fond of the sea then" he said placing my stray hair behind my ear.

"on a certain day I left for the heavens, to get feedback on our petition"

"I asked you not to go Alexander!"

"yes, but I wouldn't listen. I stood before the council convincing them on making you like us when I felt it, a part of me was ripped away. I knew it was your pain for we were bound together for eternity in the heavens after all. Rushing back, I saw you lifeless on the floor with Eris hovering in the shadows"

"What happened after I died?, why are you here with mother and Ruby?". Everything just wasn't adding up

"the longing returned Mae, I went back to the heavens this time around I had a different petition. Knowing you were brutally taken away from the world, a second chance would be given to you.
I asked Proteus and the council to send me back to you, to the human realm.
I asked to be reincarnated." he said

" why did Eris kill me? " this question made his gaze drop.

" She was part of those who weren't in support of our union, she feared our offspring, you were few weeks with child then " hurt and pain were evident in his words.

" I was with child?" my eyes widened in absolute surprise

"Yes Mae, we weren't even aware but somehow Eris knew. I lost not only you but our child also" his fingers trailed down my cheek
"my petition was granted and I was reincarnated but there was an unknown price, my memories were wiped out and I was born to mother"

"when did you remember and what is the faith of our child? I needed to know everything

" I had slight memories the first day our engagement was mentioned, but everything made sense the day we consummated our marriage. As for the child you're expecting, I don't know if there'll be anything extraordinary" he replied

"why didn't you tell me from the beginning?" I could feel my anger building up.

"I didn't want you to remember a past life of hurt, I wanted to give you a better one here"

" how long has it been?" my curiosity has been itching to ask that question

"A century ago" his reply followed right after.

A century had passed before we reunited? I was with child when I died? This was my second life and Alexander reincarnated for me? This was all too much.

"Mae" Alexander called out breaking the silence.

"you don't love me anymore right? A century was enough for you to not want me"
I questioned

"of course I love you Mae, I've always loved you. Your soul is mine and mine is yours.
He places a kiss on my forehead.

" our soul?"

" our bodies changed. It's our souls that are attracted to each other, our souls are bound for eternity " he finished.

" I want to be alone" was all I said as his gaze softened. Nevertheless, he stood and left the room.

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