Chapter Twenty Six

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"you're mine, not even the council can take me away from you. I'll be home soon I promise"
The visions swirled through my mind.

"we are bound together as man and wife for eternity"

Eternity? How can that be??

"I love you, I'll love you forever eternity" Those words escaped my lips on their own accord.

Who am I? Where am I? What's all this?

Jolting awake, I'm greeted by the empty bed space. the curtains of our large window are held up and daylight illuminated the room.

"Good morning my lady," Ahne my handmaiden said walking into the room.

"Ahne has it been long since Alexander left?"

"It's been a while, my lady," she says as she walks into the bathroom to prepare me a bath.

A slight kick in my stomach made my heart rise in so much love and warmth.
It was becoming a routine to feel a kick when I woke.
I like to think it's a way for my child to acknowledge me.

"I love you too little one"

After having a bath and eating breakfast, I lay helplessly as the day bore me to death.
A knock on my door and the servant informing me of the people requesting my presence at the throne room makes me leave the confines of my chamber.

More subjects from the lower town had come bearing gifts for the child.
I was overly grateful for their love.

Making my way out of the room after attending to them, a presence appeared behind me.

"I guess my one-day break is over"

"Mae come on, you know why Alexander has me babysit you," Julian said


"the king has enemies who would wish to harm you in your state"
I roll my eyes at his words.

Abruptly coming in front of me, his face turns serious as his hand slowly touched my baby bump.
"You're carrying the future after all"

Wow, I've honestly not seen him this seriously my entire time of knowing him.

Julian went back to his bickering self after his intense moment. I should have known it was too good to last.
Deciding on getting some fresh air, I head to the garden with lord Jefferson following behind me.

I had just sat on the concrete seating area taking in deep refreshing breaths when a servant approached him.

"my lord, lady Regina request your help in preparing the child's chamber" he states before walking away.

Mother wouldn't rest on this, would she?

"A few minutes alone and I wouldn't die Julian. You can go" I said to the contemplating lord.

"Alright. Call if you need anything"
He makes his way into the castle.

Closing my eyes, I relax into the warmth of the mild sunlight. It felt good against my skin.

"it's certain, you are the one" A slightly familiar tone drew my attention.

Staring at the aged man before me fear overwhelmed me.

"Y-You're the man from the temple"
I stuttered.

"yes child"

"How did you g-get here?"
The guards won't have just let him pass through the gates.

"you're certainly the one child, Proteus has given you back," he says stepping towards where I sat.

"What are you talking about?" fear coursed through me.

"and you carry his child, he's finally with you" his hands stretched to touch my baby bump making me scream.

" JULIAN!!! "
I screamed my lungs out making Julian run down the castle stairs towards me.

"Mae are you okay? What happened?"
His eyes frantically darted all around me.

"H-He tried touching me "

"Who?" his voice laced with confusion.

"Him" I pointed in the direction the strange man stood only to be faced with no one. He just disappeared into thin air.

"I don't understand, he was just here, he said things, he tried to touch me" I rushed out my words

"Shhh it's okay Mae, let's head inside," he said calming me down.

After that encounter, I was back to the confines of my room.
I decided to stay here till Alexander came home.

". . . . Forever eternity, there's no escaping"
Those words invaded my mind making a shiver run through me

Taking a sharp breath, I'm jolted awake by Alexander's anxious calls.

"Mae, are you okay?"

I rush into his embrace unable to utter words. I must have fallen asleep while waiting for Alexander.

The dreams have been getting out of hand and felt so realistic.

"I'm here, I'll protect you"

"Alexander the man from the temple was here, he said things about me and Proteus, about our child"
My heart sunk in fear and utter confusion as I narrated my encounter with the strange man. I felt insane with all these happenings.

"Forget about it Mae, It's nothing. He's just old and confused" he said placing kisses on my face. This act seemed to calm me a little.

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