Chapter 25

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" I can't believe this, I am coming with you."

" Believe it because we are about to reach."

" I told you I can't stand him and I hate him."

" Hate is a strong word Rads." Piyu said seriously.

"Oh Really! I don't care." Rads said stubbornly.

" Oh! That's why you ate the food he sent us."

" You are not going to let go that. Would you?"

" No."


" Come on Rads it's not that bad."

" Not bad? Are you serious?"

" Huh?"

" Piyu you are growing soft corner for him. Do you know what it leads to? Or Did you forgave him already?"

" No! It's not like that! It's just a business relationship Rads."

Rads and Piyu are having their conversation while driving their car to Khanna Industries.

" Yeah right, that's why you were happy to see him at your house that day, that's why you were jealous when those girls were throwing themselves at him, that's why you had your dinner with him that day and that's why you were smiling like an idiot when your mom said she liked him very much."


" I am not telling you what to do and what not to do Piyu. I am just worried that you might get hurt again which I don't want." Rads said concerned.

" I know." Piyu said looking down.

" You are developing feelings for him again.....after what he did to you. He doesn't regret for what he did and didn't even apologized for it."

" He did." Piyu replied looking at her.

" What?" Rads asked confused.

" He apologized." She said closing her eyes.

" When?" Rads asked stunned stopping the car.

" Long back when we first met for the project. He is regretting and drowning in guilt for what he did and cried saying sorry to me." Piyu paused.

" And you forgave him?" Rads asked.

" No! I yelled at him, scolded him and also said some hurtful words to him. I said adamantly that I cannot forgive him." Piyu said to her.

" What did he said then?" Rads asked.

" He said he don't want my forgiveness because he don't deserve it. He just want to apologise for what he did from long time and his guilt is killing him daily from 2 years." Piyu said with tears and Rads sat surprised.

" He said he is sorry for not trusting me and got manipulated. He said sorry for everything and he will be always there for me throughout my life whenever I needed anything in my life." Piyu said crying and Rads also had tears in her eyes now.

" He must have apologized knowing that you are princess of AJ.....I mean daughter of Anand Jaiswal to protect his deal and business." Rads said  doubtfully but she herself is not sure that Sam is capable of doing such a low thing.

" No, he didn't know about my identity. He just thought that I work there as an employee. He came to know about it recently when Bhai was back in India and they had a conversation with him in the office." Piyu said wiping her tears recollecting that day how surprised and shocked he looked when he came to know that she is the daughter of AJ.

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