Chapter 27

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Things were going normal between Piyu, Sam and Rads. Though Piyu seems off sometimes, Rads and Sam were behaving like friends like before..... It means they bicker, they argue, they taunt and also they help each other.

It was one afternoon where Rads, Piyu, Sam, Priya and other Sam's staff are there in the meeting room of his office discussing about the marketing of their designs.

Piyu is working on her laptop with utmost concentration. She is working on the online companies which can be useful for marketing their products.

She heard some grumbling.....she tried to concentrate on her work.

Key word - tried.

She heard hissing.....she frowned.

She heard hushed whispers.....she ignored.

She heard stomping of foot.....she waved it off.

She heard a thud.....she couldn't ignore anymore.

She looked up and saw that the two most successful and grown up individuals who are the owners of their companies are fighting with each other like kids.

She wanted to stop them but stayed calm to see what they will do and she also didn't miss their dumbstruck and flabbergasted staff looking at their boss in awe.

" You did it?" Sam hissed.

" No you did it." Rads hissed back.

" It was you who stomped me with your foot." Sam again hissed in whisper.

" No it was you who had hit me with your elbow." Rads too whispered.

" It was you who disturbed me first." Sam said pointing his pen at her but unfortunately ink has spilled on her face.

" You !" Rads whisper yelled and smacked his head with a file.

" Hey!" Sam smacked her arm with a near by book.

" Ow!" Rads cried and threw a pen stand on him.

" Have you gone mad?" Sam whisper yelled dodging the pen stand as if nobody is not looking at them.

" You called me mad!" Rads was angry now and hit him with a file.

Sam hit back her with a file.

Rads started continuously hitting him with the file on his back while Sam was shielding himself with his hands.

" Ok...ok...stop now..." Sam cried.

" No." Rads said and continued her assault.

" Please" he pleaded.

" What do I get?" She asked demandingly.

" For now I have chocolates." He said and she stopped her hands in air listening the word chocolate.

Piyu stiffled her laugh.

" Where are they?" She asked excitingly like a kid.

" Here." He handed her some chocolates from his Blazer's pocket which he kept for his niece.

" For now these are fine but I want more." She demanded and eating the chocolates.

Hearing no response from Sam, Rads frowned and looked at him who was froze in his place looking at front. Rads followed his gaze and froze.

They looked at Piyu who sat there crossing her arms with angry look on her face. They gulped and looked to their sides. Sameer's staff was gazing them like they have seen some mad, insane and crazy people with their eyes bulging out and wide open mouths.

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