Chapter 44

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Piyu woke up from her sleep and looked at the time. She jumped out of her bed when she saw that time is past ten in the morning. She cursed herself for waking up late as she had to go and meet Sameer.

She quickly showered and got ready to leave. She called him to know where he is but he didn't pick up her call. She skipped her breakfast and left to meet him.

She started driving to his office and called him again but he didn't pick her call. Many thoughts were running in her mind about why he is not picking her calls but shrugged them off and drove fastly to his office.

She parked her car and ran to the elevator inside the building. She tapped her foot impatiently and when the lift door is opened on his floor she ran outside. She collided with someone and scattered their files all over the floor.

" I am so sorry." Piyu said and bent down to collect the files.

" Maam?"

She heard and looked up to see Priya looking at her questioningly.

" Oh! Priya it's you, I am so sorry. I didn't see you in hurry." Piyu said to her.

" It's Ok Maam, but what are you doing here?" Priya asked confused.

" I came to meet Sam." Piyu replied.

" Maam but he is not here." Priya said.

" Oh, where is he?" Piyu asked disappointed.

" You don't know? Sir left to airport." Priya said to her.

" What? Airport? Why? " Piyu asked shocked.

" He is leaving for a business deal Maam." She informed.

" What? Where he is going? " She asked.

" California..... For a month." Priya said cautiously.

" What! " Piyu was beyond shocked.

" When is his flight?" she asked in fear.

" It's in an hour Maam, he left for the airport half an hour before you came." Priya said.

" But why didn't he inform me? " She asked biting her lip.

" Don't know Maam. He was in bad mood from yesterday and today he looked like he will burst out any minute." Priya replied looking down scared imagining her angry boss.

" Okay. " she said and turned.

" But Maam?"

" I have to meet him before he goes away..... Bye." Piyu shouts running to the elevator.

" Good luck Maam." Priya shouts back laughing shaking her head at their crazy love.

Piyu ran to her car and started driving to the airport. Piyu prayed continously that she should reach in time to stop him before checking in. If he got delayed by her, it will not be a  problem as he it will be his private jet.

There was too much traffic and she horned continously as she got only half an hour now to reach airport. She drove like a maniac and this is first time she is driving like this. If her family came to know about this they will never allow her to touch the car.

She would reach airport soon and She checked the time, there is still 20 minutes left for him to leave.

When she reached the airport, she parked the car quickly and ran inside taking a ticket. She checked the time and there was only 10 minutes left.

She started searching for him running here and there but couldn't find him. She was sweating and panting heavily.

She searched everywhere she could but no use. She sighed and closed her eyes to calm down her breathing. When her breathing became normal, she thought of him and their memories which made her smile.

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