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Piyu sat shocked in her place.

The scene in front of her has blown away her senses.

She doesn't know what to do.....she can't seem to move also.

No words were coming out of her mouth due to the shock.

She came out of the shock when she heard a loud laugh and when she turned to the direction of the sound. And the scene she saw made her eyes go wide and gasp loudly.

She quickly removed her phone and called Rads. She sighed sadly as she didn't pick the call.

She turned around and saw Jai's dad was laughing loudly watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. T.V. show.

Yes! Watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

Her eyes were wide like sauccers.

She grimaced at the scene going on in  the show at the moment and turned only to see Jai's aunt trying to dance to one of the steps which she shouldn't be doing as it will only end up breaking her bones.

She pressed her forehead and walked to kitchen to drink some water but stopped in her tracks when she saw Jai's mother who has earphones in her ears and singing some songs while preparing some dish.

She even forgot why was she even here in the first place and then she remembered that they both had come here to have lunch. She looked around thinking as to where is he now.

That traitor Sameer!

He was talking there on the phone cooly while here she is going crazy.

She frowned at the thought that it was all okay until they had lunch. She didn't find any change in their behaviour and how come suddenly their behaviour is making her go mad.

May be their behaviour was same but she must have not observed them properly as she was continuously getting distracted by Sameer who was whole time grabbing her hand under the table during their lunch.

She smiled and turned to look at him only to shriek loudly.

" Ahhh! Piyali.....it's me Jai's sister in law, it was just a face mask dear no need to get so scared." She said and went away dancing onto a song which was coming on the T.V. right now.

Whole family is looking like a circus now.

She gulped looking at the sight in front of her.

She looked at Sameer for help who was busily talking on his phone. Jai doesn't seem anywhere and Rads......

Just then her phone rang and it was Rads.

"Rads, where are you?" Piyu shouted on phone.

" I am at my home Piyu.....I will change my dress and come there, just give me 15 minutes." Rads said hurriedly.

" Rads no need to change your dress, just come as you are now." Piyu said.

" No! Do you know what I am wearing right now? Skirt! And if I come there like this then Jai's family will eat me alive. I don't want to become the target of their endless lectures. I got to go and I will be there in 25 minutes.....bye Piyu." Rads said hurriedly cutting the call.

Piyu sighed shaking her head.

That time only Meera came bringing juice to all of them and everyone took the juice smiling and blessing Meera which another shock to her.

She had been waiting for half an hour for Jai and Rads. They seem busy and so she decided to leave as she needs some break from all these shocks.

" Okay Aunty we will leave now.....thanks for inviting us for the lunch." Piyu smiled at her.

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