The Sweet Escape

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I found myself thrown on a huge bed, much bigger than the one I owned at the house in Forks

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I found myself thrown on a huge bed, much bigger than the one I owned at the house in Forks. The dark red sheets contrasted harshly against my white skin, as my mate locked the door behind us.

We both knew that I could break the doors to shreds if I felt inclined, but this was his way of ordering me to stay put. Telling me that I will not leave until he allowed it.

One part of me wanted to go out just to spite him, to show him that I am not one of his slaves. That mindset surprised me. No matter that he was my mate, he was my King, and such disrespect would surely have consequences. Consequences that I was not willing to provoke with my family so close. Especially since Aro seemed fascinated with all of us enough to drag on his show. Maybe he'd become fascinated enough to give Bella and Edward a fighting chance.

After all, if we were to play our cards carefully, I'll have eternities to prove my place to my mate.

So I stayed put, watching as King Caius walked around, with grace that was perhaps even greater than King Aro's, his hands behind his back as he refused to look at me.

"Explain yourself. "

The harshness of his voice startled me. It was different to his coldness in the throne room, and somehow I felt as if I was standing in front of a predator so wild, that I could never leave his clutches unharmed.

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand." I said in a soft voice, all the while chanting in my head 'do not provoke him Apate.'

Instead of simply answering me he flashed in front of me, and raised his hand. For a moment I thought he'd try to hit me, my muscles clenching as I waited for his move, but instead he caressed my hair in a surprisingly gentle move.

I wanted so badly to lean into his touch, that resisting it was practically painful, but resisted it I did. I froze under his touch, his intense gaze as I became again a willing captive of those wild fires in his eyes.

"Tell me about your involvement in the Southern Wars. "

"I was turned during the wars. There was a time I worked for Maria but then I left. That's all. "I said, keeping all emotions out of my voice.

Technically I did speak the truth. It was an over simplified version,  but it was not a lie.

His hand trailed down my hair to my throat, squeezing lightly at my words, before he pushed it down to my sternum, as if not trusting himself enough not to tear my head off.

The pressure made my skin prickle, somehow the position seemed extremely intimate to me, despite the less than romantic situation we were in.

His eyes were stern as he watched me, as if thinking of the best tactic to use against me, the best strategy to make me yield.

In a split second, I decided to try turning the tables around, doing something I used to when I was working for Maria.

It was a strategy that made many mortal men her soldiers, a strategy that should be successful, seeing as there is an immediate attraction between us, a curtsey of our bond. There is only one thing I refused to acknowledge. He could manipulate me just as easily.

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