Persuade Me (Student/Teacher Relationship) by eflagella

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Persuade Me (Student/Teacher Relationship) by eflagella

'Standing up I looked straight at Professor Garrett, smirking evilly. Hi, my name's Christy Evans and I'm an English major. Let's see, I said tapping my chin in concentration, all the while trying not to laugh out loud, I'm the leader of a group of intergalactic beings who are here to terminate all those who are deemed too conceited for the good of civilization, pausing I gave Professor Garrett a pointed look of my own, I live on planet screw you, and I'm allergic to bullshit. Smirking and feeling very satisfied with myself, I waited for Professor Garretts next move. ' -When Christy finds her long term boyfriend isn't who she thought he was, what will she do? She's about to begin college-the same one he chose to go to as well. With the help of her best friends and a new forbidden love interest, can she be persuaded to let go and love again?


One of those 'CHEESUS CRUST!' moments when ya read it ~~ Ohh, excuse me for being a bit dirty here, but reading this gave me an eye orgasm. And that rarely happens (Duh) So you want one? Go look at the romantic fling of your book worm life XD (Please don't tell me i'm the only one!)

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