Innocently Falling by MandyMuch

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Innocently Falling by MandyMuch

Lucas is a player, who is handsome, caring, and above all extremely charming. Megan is the complete opposite, she is gorgeous but doesn't know it. Guys falls in love with her instantly, not just because of her amazing looks, but also because of the innocent personality that comes goes along with those looks. Lucas is Megan's older brother's best friend. In a total cliche kind of way for as long back as Megan could remember she has been in love with Lucas. She grew up with him and would trust him with her life, but could she trust him with her heart? While she waits along the wings for Lucas to finally notice her as more than his best friend's little sister, there are plenty of men chasing Megan. Will Lucas realize his feelings for her before it is too late. Or will Megan decide to move on and pursue one of her many offers?


So I was stalking this author's page. (Don't ask why.) And then BAM I see her library! It was STUFFED full with amazing books. It's like the jackpot but better. I went through all of them and found this gem! It's so sweet! Usually I don't stick around to read simple plots but then.... I saw it... And.... Changed. For one book anyways. Wanna experience this soul-searing change? Read. This. Now. <3

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