SwEeT MaDnEsS by cold_lady19

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SwEeT MaDnEsS by cold_lady19

“Don’t make this any harder, Angeles” I swallowed hard. The way he said my name sent a chill through me. How did he know my name? Who was he? “I’m not opening the door” I took a step backwards, looking at my kitchen. There was a knife on the counter, I needed it. If this man tried to break inside my apartment, I was going to fight back. He sighed deeply.


Okay. Pshh. I'm kinda on a cold_lady19 roll here *Kinda*. But hey, a good book's a good book! Jeez louise! This one sends chills up my spine @_@ Well, now you're thinking "Two ways you can get chills- From horror or errr giddyness from reading something *ahem* not good for young eyes!" So yeah~ It was kinda the horror part, but sprinkle a little bit of inapropriateness ~.~ But I know you love that >:)

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