The Way He's Not by xXBeautifulFighterXx

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The Way He's Not by xXBeautifulFighterXx

Bad boys are unreliable, uncaring, arrogant, immature, disrespectful players with no care for laws, rules, guidelines or girls’ feelings, according to Jacey Collins.

Good girls are condescending, conceited, stuck-up, vain b*****s who stay inside the boundaries and don’t know how to live life, according to Colton Shaw. So what happens when you put Jacey Collins, a good girl, with Colton Shaw, a bad boy in the same house for a year? Parties, alcohol, secret relationships, betrayal, fights, heart break, break-ups, hook-ups, one-night-stands, pain, tears, anger, revenge-seeking-enemies, and I'm only getting started.

Hot. I was getting a little flustered reading about them ;)  I thought this was going to be one of those cliché plots... But no. It's not. Colton is such a jerk sometimes. Literallyy. I love this book! Since My Wattpad Favourites is coming to a close later on :( I've been super picky with my books. Amazing book x

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