chapter two

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"so who did there homework" my professor ask looking dead at me he know got of and we'll I did my work so I don't even know why he always on me

"Yanira did you do yours" he ask

I look around and see about six people hands are s not up and out of them he gonna ask me

"Yea I did my work" I say

"Good then you can come up and read your paper" he say which cause me to look at him funny but I got up anyway and read my work.

After class was over which I was thankful for I walk out of class but bump into someone and drop all my books i look up and see that it was the same guy from the other day.

"You got to stop bumping into me" he say I roll my eyes because it was his fault

"And you got to start saying sorry" I say bending down to get my books but he stop me and got them instead

"Not if you don't say it first" he say

"Can you pass me my books so she can go" I ask

"What's the rush" he ask

"I have places to be now pass me my books" I say again and this time taking my books out his hand

"That's just rude" he say I roll my eyes and walking away I heard footsteps behind me I turn to see the same guy

"What's your name" he ask

"Why" I ask

"Because I'm just trying to see if a cutie like you got a man" he ask which cause me to laugh

"I'm single and don't want a boyfriend" I say

"You don't "want" one but you need one" he say

"If that's what you think" I say walking out the doors

"Let me take you out on a date" he ask

"No for what" I ask walking up to my car

"So I can get to know you" he say

"I'm good nice talking to you though" I say

"Why don't you want to go on a date with me" he ask as he steps back so I can take a good look at him he had on black riped jeans and a white t-shirt with some Jordan's but what also caught my eye was a tattoo he has that had two sores making an x and on top of it it had combs on it i wonder what the tattoo means I guess he realize what I was looking at because he move his arm out my veiwe.

"So is that a yes or a no" he ask again

"Sure" I say

"Ok how about you give me your number so I can text you sometimes" he ask I nod my head and passed him my phone he put his number in and then pass it back with his name as daddy💋.

"Really" I say looking up at him

"Yea I mean I am your daddy or going to" he say

"Last time I checked my dad was 6 feet under ground" I say

"Oh shit I'm sorry" he say

"Don't be" I say getting in the car and rolling down my window because he was still standing there.

"Can I help you" I ask

"Yea what's your name" he say

"Yanira...yours" I ask

"Bryce" he say

"Will it was nice meeting you Bryce but I have to go" I say starting up my car

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