chapter eight

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So I have been thinking if I should go see Bryce or not, I do want to see what he have to say but I also have company later on.

"What's up boo" Jasmine came in my room

I sigh"nothing just studying" I say

"You still didn't tell me what Bryce said to you"she say

"It doesn't matter" I say

"You sure because you seem down" she say

"It's not that it's..." I say debating if I should tell her or not because I mean she was acting kind of funny that day when Bryce and his friends came over

"Come on girl you can tell me" she say

"Bryce is going to explain to me why him and Tony don't get along..... he wants to meet up and I don't know if I should go or not" I say and Jasmine sighs

"Girl you don't need to go" she say

"Why" I ask

"The reason why him and Tony don't get along because Bryce killed her brother" she say I gasped

"What?" I say

"I know girl but Bryce is an ass and to be honest with you I don't like him at know when Tony was talking about what Bryce did to her brother she was on the verge of almost crying but you know Tony like to hold shit in" she say

"Jazz I get where you coming from but you don't I know bryce reason" I say

"Fuck his reason" she say

"Jazz you need to chill" I say

"No you need to, over here saying I do I just told you what he was about to tell you, I bet you still considering if you should go or not" she say as I glare at her she was really going to far with this

"Jazz you really need to chill because how will you feel if you was Bryce, if soneone listen to one person story but not the other" I say

"Yanira I know we have been good friends for a long time but I already know what happen, Bryce killed Tony brother and that's it so why don't you just stay here and we could have a girl's night or something" she say she really must think I'm dum if I stay here and not hear what Bryce has to say I mean I have been asking this boy for the longest to tell me what's up with them and now he's gonna tell me, shit I should go I'm just going to tell Abigail that something came up and go what my gut is telling me.

"I think going to go" I say looking up at her she rolls her eyes and gets up "ok do you yanria, you a big girl" she say and walked out slamming my door I shake my head at her reaction and texted Abigail to tell her that something came up after I texted her I got a text from Bryce telling me all the details, I had to be there at 5 so I had like an hour and an half to get ready so I got up so I could take a nice shower and then get dress.


"What she say" bri say as I walk in Jason and her house

"She say she forgives me but she don't" I say walking into the kitchen to get something to drink with bri following me

"So what are you going to do now" she ask as i take a drink from my water

"I got to meet up with her later and tell her what's up with me and that wonna be nigga" I say as Jason walks in the kitchen

"Telling who what"Jason ask walking in bri looks at me and then Jason

"I'll leave y'all to talk" she say and then walk out once she was gone Jason turn around and looked at me.

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