chapter ten

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"ok get it girlllllll" abagail say

"Don't break your back now" Bree say while abagail and her other friends laugh.

Right now I am hella drunk with abagail, Bree, Jasmine, patience, and pia lol I know little old yanria drunk yes I am abagail and her friends talk me into to just drinking one drink but after that it just turn into another and another and so on, I think I had about 12 drinks already or probably more Abagail friends are so nice Bree is the nice one she was the one that stood up for me she's thick like me with long hair and brown skin, jasmine is very funny and nice she is black with short hair that i personally thinks she rocks and skinny but still have meat in all the right places, patience is mean, and blunt as hell when i first met her she gave me hella aduttude but after time she warmed up to me and pia she is real hyper with the most energy sometimes i forget she is the same age as me but she is packstin with nice long hair and glowing skin.

"Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeee look at her get it yanria" pia drunk self say hyping me up while I was dancing to twerk by the city girls and cardi b

"Bitchhhhhh I know you didn't just drink the last shot" abagail say to Jasmine

Sure did" she say laughing and walking away "OMG BITCH DON'T HIT ME" she say all up in my ear I silightly pushed her away while laughing

"Stop being so fucking loud hoe" patience say mugging as she blow out the smoke from her nose

"Bitch who you mugging and bitch who you calling a hoe last time I checked you the one that got head by two different niggas before we came here" she say laughing patience glared at her "who's the hoe now" she say laughing

"Bitch say that shit in my face" patience say

"I said you a hoe bitch" Jasmine say laughing

"Y'all need to chill" Bree say

"Tell that bitch to stop speaking on me like she can't get beat" patience say

"Bitch I was playing with your ugly ass" Jasmine say laughing

"Will you need to stop playing"

"Right we over here trying to have a good time with yanria and y'all asses want to do all this extra shit" Bree say

"Whatever, anyway are you having fun yanria" Jasmine turn around and asked me

"Yea I am I feel so fucking good right now" I say laughing some didn't i mention i had about 3 blunts

"See I told you one blunt would t hurt you girl all you needed was a little push" she say as I nod my head and lean back on the bean bag I was on.

"I know this bitch not sleep" Bree say walking over to pia "pia bitch wake up..out of all of us your ass have the most energy so I know for a fact your ass is not sleep"

"Stoppppp I'm sleepy"

"Bitch wake up"

"Come on pia we got some more brownies" Jasmine say when that left her mouth she hop up and went straight to the kitchen

"I thought we didn't have any more brownies" I say

"We don't" Jasmine say laughing

"Jaz that's so mean" I say laughing some

"Who's hun-" patience say but got cut off by pia

"JASMINE THERE IS NO BROWNIES" pia say one thing about pia is that she is loud af and has way more energy i learned that she runs track and she's on a full scholarship she also go to the some school as me with Bree, patience, and Jasmine

"Ops my bad I thought we had some" Jasmine say with a smrik as pia glare at her

"I'm hungry who want some pizza and wings" Jasmine say pulling out her phone

"Bitch I was about to ask the same question but pia weed head ass yelling and shit" patience say mugging pia she just srugh her shoulders

"So who want some pizza and wings" she ask again

"Meeeee" me, Jasmine, patience, and Bree say except of gail

"where you gonna get pizza and wings from" abagail ask

"I have a friend that works at Pizza hut and he has the key to make us something" she say typing on her phone

"Then yea I want a meat lover pizza and hot wings" she say

"And I want a vegan pizza"pia say

"That's nasty how do you eat that shit" I say

"Right your ass gonna be in the bathroom" Bree say laughing while the others joined in

"What ever, when the pizza and wings getting here" pia say

"15 minutes" she say

"Intill then I'm going to sleep" jasmine say laying down

The next morning

"Bitch get up" the voice which I think is Jasmine say I'm guessing she's talking to patience

"Bitch?...who you calling a bitch you little hoe" yep she's talking to patience

"OMG can y'all ass shut the fuck up" Bree say as I got up to see what's going on

"Right I'm still trying to get some sleep"pia say

"How about all of y'all shut up" abagail say

"Come on dude like for real we have to go" patience say

"Man for what I'm trying to sleep"Jasmine say

"We gotta make a drop now come on" patience say about to walk out but stop"and if you not in my car in 13 minutes I'm leaving your ass" she say and countni to walk out

"Man she always think she run shit" Jasmine say getting up

"Why you didn't say that shit in her face" Gail say

"Right you must of been hella drunk yesterday because baby you was talking mad shit to her" Bree say laughing while jasmine got up and went to the restroom.

"do you have any classes today yanria" pia ask me

"umm..yea i have Spanish class first then i have a test to take in English class then after that i have my science class, why" i ask

"me and the girls was going to go shopping then out to eat and later clubbing"  she say

"sorry can't miss any class" i say

"its all good girl we have next time" she say i nod my head but wishing i didn't because my head hurts

I have an Advil you want some" she ask

"yea you have something to drink" i ask

"yea its bottles of waters in the fridge you want me to go get it for you" she ask

"nal its good i'll get it" i say getting up "do y'all want anything while I'm down there" i ask Bree, Abagail they shook there heads no and went back talking to each other as i made my way to the kitchen i made a mental note that i need to get my nails done because they are starting to push up, i was walking into the kitchen until i bump into a hard chest i was almost about to fall on the floor until i felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me, i look up and seen prince.

Sorry for the slow updates i have been lazy, since i am on spring break i will try to post more often.
Sorry for any mistakes and hope you like it

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