chapter six

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"auntie yanira" Ty'teiana say she is my oldest niece she was going to be over my house for the weekend

"Yes Ty'teiana" I say

"Why don't you have a boyfriend" she say

"Because I don't won't one" I say

"Why your so pretty" she say

"Thank you baby and I'm still young so I'm good" I say

"Your so pretty auntie" she say

"Thank you baby" I say

"Who's Bryce" she say

"You know for a 6 year old you ask alot of questions" I say

"My daddy said it's good to ask questions" she say

"Of course he will say that" I say her dad is a big time lawyer

"My mommy said that you and Bryce are more than friends she also said that she got a surprise for you" she say

"Tata if it was a surprise than your not suppose to say anything" I say

"Ops I'm sorry please don't tell" she say

"I won't baby" I say picking her up so we can go make cookies

"You want cookies" I say

"Yes" she say

"Ok let's make some how many you want" I say

"This many" she say holding up five fingers

"How about I'll give you two the first time then later I'll give you the rest" I say

"This is why I like coming to your house" she say as I laugh a little

"Ok lil mama" I say sitting her down on the counter then went to the fridge and was about to pull out the cookie dough when there was a knock on my door.

"Hold on I'll be right back" I say as I leave to walk up to the door I look out the peep whole to see that it was Bryce.

"What do you want" I say as I open up the door to see not only Bryce but his friends also

"Damm no hey or how you been doing Bryce" he say walking in

"Excuses you nigga but who told you to walk up in my house" I say moving over more so the other guys can get in.

"Wassup yanria" Noah say

"Hey Noah" I say and wave at Joseph and Calbe.

"You got somebody here" Bryce say mentioning about the toys

"Yea my niece" I say as Tata walks in

"Auntie what's taking you so long I want my cookies" she say standing by the kitchen door

"And I want a vacation" I say as I walk towards her and pick her up

"Auntie who is them" she say pointing

"First it's not nice to point second they are some friends of Bryce" I say walking in the kitchen and sitting Tata on a chair.

"Hi I'm Bryce what's your name" Bryce say

"I'm Ty'teiana but you can call me tata" she say

"That's a pretty name for a pretty girl" he say as I put the cookies in the oven

"Thank you but I want to be pretty like my auntie" she say

"Yea she is cute but you ten times better" he say

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