Chapter 2 (Help)

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My version of falling in love is borderline psychotic. Should be avoided at all costs. Get obsessed can't fall in love and function at the same time. All-consuming. Tunnel vision. Euphoric.'

- Graham Norton.

Liam's POV.

She threatened me. She threatened the Almighty Liam Salvatore. How dare she? Does she think just because I want her she can get away with everything? This Angel of mine is really crazy if she thinks I came to this school to play her Romeo. I came here for a mission and I will make sure I complete my mission.

"I ca-can't breath." She said but I didn't give a fuck. She's lucky we at school or I would've taught you a good lesson.

"What the hell are you doing ?" Calum shouted and quickly pushed me away from her. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked me as Stacey fell on the ground. I wanted to kick her but before I could Jayden ran to her.

She was coughing but I didn't even care a little about her. If she died today I would've burned this school down with everyone inside, even if I was the one that killed her because as long as my mission is not successful, she can't be harmed.

"Are you okay Stacey ?" Jayden asked her as he tried helping her to get up.

 "Get your filthy hands off her." I shouted at him.

"Did he do something to you,Stacey?" Jayden asked her, ignoring me. How I wish Calum wasn't the one that saw me choking her. People would be thinking I'm lucky that Jayden didn't see what happened but I would've been so fucking happen if he saw me choking her, at least then he would stay the hell away from me and everything that is mine.

"No,I'm fine." She answered taking deep breaths. Good girl,at least I taught her one thing today.

"Come on let's get you some water before the bell rings." Jayden said as he glared at me.

"She's not going with you." I quickly grabbed Stacey's arm. Jayden was so shocked at what just happened. He was confused and Calum didn't even help he just rolled his eyes, angry at me.

"I don't want a fight new boy but if you don't let Stacey go you will see me angry." He said making me laugh. Damn is this school a kindergarten or what? Because he is definitely not a match for me. I'm the most wanted man alive, the police and every criminal has been after me for a long time and I'm just eighteen. So if he thinks he can just talk to me like that and get away with it then he is damn wrong.

"Calum take Angel somewhere quickly. I don't want her innocent eyes seeing this." I threw Stacey to Calum and rolled my long sleeve up.

"He's not worth it, Jayden leave him." Stacey shouted as she took Calum hands off her "I'm no one's property, and you Mr a**--" she was interrupted by the bell and they both ran to class. That guy is so fucking lucky the bell rang because I would've killed him.

"Lexie called." Calum whispered to me as soon as we entered the class.

"What the fuck did she want?" I asked as I looked around and saw Stacey speaking to Kaitlyn. How the fuck does she know her?

"She said you should lay low because she ain't going to break you out of prison." Calum said but I didn't care. What I care about is Kaitlyn and how the hell she is friends with my Angel. The guts that bitch has after everything she and her family did.

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