Chapter 19*The Mayor*

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Kaitlyn's POV.

I walked down the streets thinking of a way to get back Stacey or else my whole family will be in danger.

As I walked passed all the places we used to go together something in me just changed. There must have be one reason why I liked Stacey? Why I always protected her like a big sister? I always defended her when someone would pick up on her but why?

Was it because she was the only ugly orphanage at our school?

I can't even think right anymore because of her, I wish father would've just let her go or kill her because I'm tired of being a babysitter. I know the mayor ordered my family to kill her family because they know secrets. They knew so much about the mayor and that put his life in danger. The mayor wanted to be the president but he couldn't because not everyone liked him but I know he didn't kill Stacey's family for that, but why did he kill them? Why did they kill my family too? I considered Liam as a brother once but look how life has changed. Today we planning to kill each other and I don't even know why.

A car stopped right in front of me and unlike a normal girl I didn't move a single muscle instead I waited for the person to come out of the car. My hand was on my gun and if this person was someone send to kidnap or kill me then I wouldn't hesitate to kill them.

"Mayor." I shouted surprise.

"Get in the car, we have somewhere to go." He ordered me and I quickly got in the car. "Your cousin's are going in a lot of trouble killing my whole family."

"I thought you were the only child and you only have one son." I replied and he clicked his mouth.

"How are you a Salvatore if you so stupid? My family is the people who work for me. All those girls that I pay, are my family. You know I would also make you part of it, if it wasn't for your mother. But now just by looking at you, I have a new idea. A new thing for Stacey."

"What is your new plan?" I was disgusted at how he was licking his lips. I don't even know why his the mayor.

"That Stacey girl can work for me. I'll make sure to give her a job she will like." I knew the job he had in mine would be evil but I didn't know it would be something that would shock me. Never in a million years did I expect a mayor to do these type of jobs, but honestly this mayor doesn't surprise me anymore.

He explained everything I need to do, and how he will even come to school to check her out and maybe even kill Liam in the process. After I agreed with everything he dropped me at school.


Stacey's POV.

I was eating breakfast when Liam came in the house angry. He was so furious and I actually got out of the chair scared.

"Why ain't you ready for school?" He shouted taking his cap off. "I asked you a question Angel."

"I'm not going to school."  I replied.

"Yes you are going, so don't let me drag you to school. " he shouted going upstairs. "Angel I swear I'm not joking."

"Just get ready Stacey." Calum said.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses?" I questioned because I knew he was hiding something.

"Some gangsters started a fight with me and Liam and now he is in a bad mood." Calum told me. "Something is wrong and Liam feels as if your life in danger, that's why we went out five in the morning."

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