Chapter 37 *Justice served*

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Stacey's POV.  

I made it in time for Liam's sentences. I shut my eyes close. I know I came all this way just to hear what the judge have to say, but right now I'm scared.

"I can't do this." I ran out of the court.

"Stacey, you can't stand outside here, alone. Liam might have enemies that can come here. Please let's go back in." Calum said.

"I can't do it." I started. "Calum, how would you feel, watching the love of your life going to prison. What if they sentence him to death. I can't see him suffer." I started panicking and he hugged me.

"I know he won't leave you. Stacey, Liam won't go to prison, I promise."

"You missed it." Rex jumped on Calum. "Liam was found guilty and sentenced to--."

"No, he can't be." I mumbled, interrupting him.

"Let me finish, Stacey." Rex said. "Liam was sentences to zero days in prison. The Fucker was found not guilty, can you believe it." Rex complained. "How the fuck can they just let Liam go. They didn't even give him community work, I swear he paid that judge."

"Rex, why are you saying all of this. Liam is your friend." I snapped.

"Angel, leave him." Liam said. "By the way, what are you doing here?" I tried to hug him but he pushed me away.

"Liam, how's your wound?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Take her home, Calum." Liam ordered him.

"I'm not leaving, Liam. I am not scared of anyone." I stated and he giggled.

"I almost shot you last night, angel, I will shoot you dead this time. I won't miss." He warned me.

"Calum, told me everything. I know you didn't mean to shoot me. You just wanted me to leave you there last night." I replied.

"I have some unfinished business to take care of so Calum take her away before I shoot you for telling her everything." Liam said.

"I promise I will leave you alone." I started and Liam looked away. "I promise I won't break this promise."

"What do you want Angel?" He questioned.

"I want to talk to you in private." I mumbled.

"I am not leaving." Rex stated.

"Just say what you want Angel, I don't have time." Liam said angry.

"Liam, there is a great psychologist in--->

"If you want to see her Angel, than don't worry about the money. I promise I will pay." Liam interrupted me. "Lets leave Rex, we have some unfinished business." Liam turned around to leave but I grabbed his hand. "You said you would leave me alone."

"Liam, I didn't say I want to see a psychologist. I want you to see her. She is the best Liam and--." They all started laughing as if I said something wrong. I care about Liam, that is why I suggested. I know if they cared about him than they would've got him helped long time ago. 

"You think I am crazy?" He questioned.

"My brother and I will see you both later." Calum dragged Rex away.

"Liam, I know you not crazy but please just go see her for a month. If it doesn't work I will understand." I mumbled.

"I am not crazy." He shouted. "Angel, I tried changing ones but it didn't help me. You know I ended up killing your baby."

"It was an accident Liam and I forgave you." 

"You think it was an accident." He giggled. "Angel, you wouldn't have stabbed me if you forgave me for killing your first baby. Angel, you scared of me and every-time I get angry, you fear I'll kill your baby."

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