Chapter 36 *Torture*

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Stacey's POV.

I woke up and Britney came in my room. She quickly put the plate of food on the table.

"You have to eat." She said and I nod my head. "Call me if you need anything." She left and I started crying again. I still can't believe Liam almost killed me and my baby. I thought he cared about me, I can't believe I even thought he loved me.

I started hitting myself with the pillow. I wish I hated him. I wish I was as heartless as him.

"Stacey." Calum ran to me. "You are pregnant, please calm down." He added and I hugged him tightly. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here right now.

"He wanted to kill me." I managed to say. I know Liam has issues but last night, he crossed the line.

I stopped myself from thinking the worst.

"He was just trying to scare you." Calum replied.

"He almost shot me. I can't even sleep without seeing that image. I love him Calum and I wanted him to be part of my baby's life but he doesn't want this baby to be born. He wants to kill my baby." I rubbed my tummy and Calum shook his head.

"I'm sorry." Of course that is all he can say, after all Liam is his friend and I'm just a girl he is helping.

"Can I please be alone?" I asked and he nod his head.

"Call me if you need anything." He kissed me on the forehead and left.


"Liam, you can keep pointing your gun at me. I'm not leaving." I stated and he tried to laugh but he couldn't. I know he is hurting.

"You are funny Angel." He smiled.

"Liam, let us take you to the hospital or else you will bleed out." I wanted to walk closer to him but I was scared for my baby. What if Liam actually shoots me. I can't take that chance.

"I lied once." Liam said and I looked at him confused. "The night you stabbed me, I told you, people used to call me a psycho." He continued. "I lied." He smiled, shaking his head. "There is only one girl who named me psycho as a child." He giggled. "I was six, when she called me psycho. I never knew what it means so I asked my mother, but she refused to tell me the meaning. I tried searching word but my mother found out and she promised to tell me when I'm older." His smile faded away and he looked at me angry. "After my family was murdered, that word kept playing in my head, over and over. I was desperate to know what it means but I couldn't break my promise to her so I waited until I turned ten." He bit his lip. I know it is hard for him to be standing up with a bullet inside his body. "The meaning of that word shocked me but the way the person said it to me broke my heart. I didn't know I was that bad as a kid but now at least I' am that psycho." He paused. "You are that girl." His words shock me.

"What are you talking?" I questioned.

"You named me psycho, Angel and every time I look at you, I hate you even more." I opened my mouth to speak but no words wanted to come out. "Good bye, Angel."


I can't believe I fell asleep. I don't think I'll ever be able to close my eyes again.

I hugged myself, crying. I know Liam, didn't mean to shoot at me. I am sure even if Calum didn't push him, he would've missed.

I went to Calum's room and Britney was with him. I can't interrupt them, I just have to go watch TV on my own now.

I went downstairs and switched the TV on.

"Last night's accident confirmed that the Mayor, Drake Marshall was part of the victims that passed away. A source confirmed that one of the bodies was the mayor's son. This confirms that, last night bomb explosion was in fact planned and not an accident the police are still investigatin--." I switched the channel and Liam was the breaking news.

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