IIIIIII'm About To Whip-

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*^Peter's entire mood throughout this chapter.

Also known as the field trip story no one asked for but Peter's 110% done with everything.*

There's this thing about being the nice guy. About taking other people's punches, holding his tongue when those with higher authority said something that could be considered stupid. While it helped everyone in the end, it could put a bit of a dent in his temper. And eventually, given enough load, Peter Parker will snap, and when he did, no one is safe. It only happens once a blue moon; but of course, that line decided to be crossed today.

What exactly made him break this time, the teen couldn't exactly tell you. It was a bunch of little things. His teachers were being merciless, he's had a major headache, that major debate of whether or not to tell Ned still had the jury out, and another jury's out on how he should feel about his mom now. Not to mention he got cocky and stabbed on patrol, twice, so he was tired as all hell from the metabolism drainage, and Flash has been absolutely no help to the situation. In short, this week had done it.

He turned off the alarm on his phone and got up promptly to start getting ready. No need to add being late to the list. Besides, he technically got a break. What, with the SI field trip and all.

If it were any other day, Peter would have been shaking in nervousness about how to process the day without blowing his cover of lying--even though he was technically an intern now-without blowing it out of the water to the point of unmasking. But today, he really didn't care. Whatever happens, happens. He can deal with the aftermath when his fucks were refilled.

He gave a side glance and small wave to May before starting to make some toast. "Oh no, honey. Let me do it.", May offered. The teen opened his mouth before closing it. She had done a lot for him, he could at least act decent around her. Another glance gave her enough information. "One of those days, huh?", she asked casually. Peter nodded slowly. May repeated the movement. "Whatever you were going to say, say it. Sooner the steam lets off, the better, right? I can take it.", the woman insisted, acting mockingly defensive.

"Y'know, thanks for the offer May, really appreciate it, but I would rather not have my breakfast burnt to a crisp this morning.", Peter bluntly remarked in a sarcastic tone, not acting apologetic in any way. He popped the bread in the toaster and finished getting ready. At least May understood what was running through his head right now.

The kitchen device dinged, to which he grabbed the bread from and quickly walked towards the door. "Love you!", May called cheerfully. "Uh huh, you too.", he responded nonchalantly on his way out the door.

When Peter got to his first period, the only thing he did was sit in his desk and start tapping on the desk to the music in his earbuds. A wave of uneasiness swept through the room as those who had middle school with Peter recalled the last time he did that. ("Peter, I know this isn't band class, but would you please stop and try to participate?" "I don't know, Ms. Reynolds. I'll try." "Mrs. Reynolds, Peter. Been that way for twenty years." "Really? If that was the case, then that should have meant that those kids are yours would look anything like your husband and you. But they don't, so..." "Are you accu-" "Who you do in your free time is none of my business, Ms. Reynolds. I'm just stating my observations.", he pointed to the board, which read that assignment. "See? Participating.")

Ned walked into the room and sat next to Peter, trying to reverse the paling in his face. "Today? Of all days?", the teen muttered before pulling one of Peter's earbuds out. The brunette sighed and stopped tapping, merely waving to his friend. Ned returned the gesture, remembering what he had learned. Keep conversations to a minimum, and only to distract Peter. The fewer questions, the better.

Eventually, Mr. Jackson walked in and started calling roll, which silenced the class. This was the only reason they weren't on the bus yet. The names were called out, all responded with variations of the same word.

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