Could you just--stop growing up?

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"Morgan.", Pepper huffed in annoyance. "Can you please keep your shoes on?", she asked, becoming increasingly impatient. They were late enough as is. "You need to look your best today for Peter. It's really important."

"Pe'er?", the baby asked, suddenly stopping her fussing. She looked around with a tilted head. "Bubba?" Pepper nodded, taking the opportunity of her being distracted. "That's who we're going to see. As soon as you get on your shoes.", the mother said, fastening the velcro on Morgan's shoes before picking her up immediately after. The woman made a hefty pace to the car, bouncing Morgan to distract her. "Got the bag?", she asked Tony, who was waiting in the kitchen.

"Yep.", he nodded, grabbing it and following behind them. At this point, their child had realized she had been foiled and began to express her displeasure in the only way she was familiar with: kicking, crying, and screaming.

"I know, luce stellare, I know. Mama's being so mean. Making you wear those things.", Tony comforted, ignoring the pointed glare from Pepper. He unlocked one of his less conspicuous cars, where one of Morgan's car seats already were. Pepper tried to lull their daughter while buckling her up, with minimal success. The child's tears only lessened slightly before increasing as her mother went into the front seat. "Here's hoping she sleeps through most of it.", she muttered. "I hear ya.", Tony responded, pulling their car onto the road.

In most situations, the couple would have allowed Morgan to forego the footwear that she had decided that she hated with an ever-burning passion; but today was not like most occasions. Today, Peter was graduating.

After deciding his college, Peter just seemed to take the rest of his school year in stride. He and his friends hung out together more often than ever before, especially after learning that Ned was on his way to Cornell for Computer Science, and MJ was heading on a full-ride scholarship to Northwestern University for Investigative Journalism. After sticking together like glue for the past couple of years, the gang was disbanding. Of course, that wasn't going to stop them from making memories over the summer. Next week, all four of them are going on a road/backpacking trip to California. ("So, it has come to our attention that nobody has any idea what they're doing. If we don't come back, I blame Ned." "Why?" "He's the one who suggested this.") All of them are extremely excited, last he heard.

When the man got up that morning, it took everything in him to not bawl his eyes out from pride, happiness, or a severe case of empty nest syndrome. He had done pretty well until May called. Then they both broke.

Tony glanced at the little girl who had fallen asleep in the back seat. He doesn't even want to think about the wreck he'll be when it's her turn.

The man took a deep breath to calm himself, although he was sure Peter was far more emotional right now. Probably squirming in his seat, mentally rehearsing his speech for the ten-thousandth time. He's put a lot of effort into it, but wouldn't let anyone else see. Still more effort than what Tony would've done.

When the parents and their sound-asleep child got to the auditorium, they were quickly waved over by May and Happy, who had already taken their seats by the front. The closer they had gotten, more of the others started becoming visible. Much like the teen's birthday party, everyone was here, talking amongst each other as they waited for the ceremony to begin. Which, as soon as the Starks had gotten to their seats, did.

Whenever Peter—donned with his cap and gown—noticed them in the procession, he excitedly waved to all of them, getting the same gesture in return. Anyone could see that he was off the walls in excitement. As he should be, Tony thought. You only graduate from high school once.

The pledges were said, and everyone sat down. Principal Morita gave a short and sweet introduction, before glancing back at whatever was on his podium and announced, "And, for our class's Valedictorian speech, I present, Peter Parker-Stark."

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