Dad Club Group Chat

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CAWCAW: I found another one.

World'sGreatestGrandma: Oh no.

IronDad: I agree.

IronDad: Let's hear it.

CAWCAW: Since vampires are supposedly hurt by holy water, I always wondered why priests don't just say a prayer over every storm cloud, kill them from above. Then I realized why there are so many vampires from Europe. 

Someone already blessed the rains down in Africa.

World'sGreatestGrandma: OMG

IronDad: That was beautiful

IronDad: Sent that to Pete, it's been fifteen minutes and he still hasn't responded yet

World'sGreatestGrandma: Cass loved it, she's rolling on the floor laughing.

IronDad: He left me a voicemail. I can't play it rn because I'm in the middle of a meeting and should probably be paying attention. Oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

World'sGreatestGrandma: I'm willing to bet money it's the kid screeching the chorus

World'sGreatestGrandma: Speaking of which, saw him on the news again. I don't care what that Jameson douche has to say, he did a good thing by taking out that crazy scientist.

IronDad: Yeah, I'm really proud of him. Just imagine, he's doing all these great things now, what will he accomplish in the future?

CAWCAW: He's a good kid. He still up for babysitting? Cooper and Lila are getting antsy.

IronDad: Oh definitely. They doing good, by the way?

CAWCAW: Cooper has a girlfriend he won't tell us about, mostly because he thinks that I'd try and embarrass him

CAWCAW: which I totally would

IronDad: Understandable

World'sGreatestGrandma: totally agree

CAWCAW: and when I do, she'd become more interested in me than him, because

CAWCAW: y'know

CAWCAW: Avenger

CAWCAW: Lila's doing great 

CAWCAW: she's still coping with being a big sister tho.

IronDad: Pete's been begging to be a big brother/cousin for years

IronDad: He's so excited

World'sGreatestGrandma: poor kid

World'sGreatestGrandma: he's going to be so disappointed

CAWCAW: ikr?

CAWCAW: According to the kids, it's no cakewalk

IronDad: I know, but I don't have the heart to break it to him

CAWCAW: It's better if he figures it out himself

World'sGreatestGrandma: thank god Cass likes being an only child

World'sGreatestGrandma: I'm on the end of my rope as it is

World'sGreatestGrandma: My little girl's running a blackmail mafia

World'sGreatestGrandma: They grow up so fast

World'sGreatestGrandma: I'm so proud :')


World'sGreatestGrandma: Ok, so she's mastered the art of eavesdropping, and so she does that to her classmates, and now she knows all of their crushes. 

World'sGreatestGrandma: ALL of them. 

World'sGreatestGrandma: So to make sure she doesn't tell said crushes, those students have practically been at her beck and call. From snacks, to doing classwork for her.

IronDad: Lang, your kid's gonna fight my kid one day and I hate to tell you this, but I'm loyal to the end

World'sGreatestGrandma: Oh no, I'm letting her get it out of her system NOW, when it's all cute and harmless. Peter would kick Cassie's butt if she doesn't get a fancy suit or some sort of powers by then

IronDad: Oh shoot, Pepper's mad at me, gtg k bye!

IronDad has left the chat

World'sGreatestGrandma: Whelp! Dad duty calls

World'sGreatestGrandma has left the chat

CAWCAW has left the chat


IronDad has entered the chat

IronDad: Peter tried so hard to sound bad, but he still sings like an angel.

IronDad: @Lang how much money do I owe you?

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