It Doesn't Matter If You're By Me or Across The Country; I'm There For You

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"Are we sure all of this is going to fit in those tiny dorm rooms?", Peter remarked as he carried the last five boxes of his stuff to the car. That was one positive thing about revealing your identity to the world, at least. You didn't have to try and fake not having powers anymore.

Of course, that doesn't really compare to getting stopped on the street every five seconds for something to the point where what should've been a thirty minute errand became something that took him all afternoon, or having Fury breathing down his neck because he still wasn't technically old enough to sign the reformed Accords but whatever. His fault for being an Itsy Bitsy dumb*ss.

"I'm sure you can make it work.", May responded, helping him organize boxes in the car that Tony had gotten him. "I would hope that my lessons on efficient packing come in handy." "Well they're coming in handy right now.", the college freshman remarked. "I didn't realize I had so much stuff."

"No one really does until they move somewhere else.", his aunt pointed out, recalling her own memories of college. Man, times have changed since then.

After shoving the final box into the car, May shut the door and walked to Peter. She froze for a moment, looking at her boy who had grown up, before wrapping her arms around him in the biggest bear hug she could manage. "Call.", Parker instructed, whispering to prevent her voice from cracking. "Let me know how orientation goes." "I will. I will.", the young adult reassured, burying his head in her shoulder despite the fact that he was taller. "I love you. So much." "I love you too." After staying like that, the two pulled apart with a faint smile. Peter slowly stepped into the drivers seat, started the car, and moved off the driveway, stopping to wave at the woman who basically raised him between every move. The last time, before he drove off, his wave was accompanied by that dorky little smile he made when he got excited about something. Of course, why wouldn't he be excited. May, being the strong woman she always was, waved before heading in, holding her breakdown back until she saw his empty room.

When the freshman showed up at the dorm building he was assigned to, his father, who had kept his promise to help move Peter in, was found leaning against his Audi while messing with his phone. The sound of said teen closing his truck door was what made the man look up before putting his phone away. "Well, look who finally showed up.", Tony remarked with no real heat. "Sorry, I just had to make sure that Aunt May wasn't going to be a crying mess before I left." "Bold to assume she wouldn't be. And that I won't be too." "What's our info?", Stark asked, looking at the multi-level building. "Last I checked, second floor, five doors down to the right." Tony briskly nodded, moving to grab the first box in his sight. "Better start moving before people start stopping us then.", he suggested, hauling the cardboard box to the main entrance. "Good idea.", his son agreed, moving to pick up his own. He could already hear the sound of multiple clicking cameras.

It took a little over an hour to get everything loaded up on Peter's side of the noticeably empty bedroom. When they finished, the two caught their breaths while surveying the area.
"That it?", Tony asked. Peter froze for a moment, before nodding his head. "Y-yeah." "Anything else?" "Can't think of anything." Once the two weren't panting anymore, Tony leaned against the door. "Plans?", the adult asked, creating a casual tone in the room. "Lots of looking around, memorizing places. Putting up stuff here." The room drew to a silence as Tony drew his gaze towards the hardwood floor before looking back up at the grown man in front of him. "I'm proud of you, kid. You know that?" "Y-yeah. Is everything alright?", Peter asked, voice laced with confusion and concern. Tony gave an airy chuckle with no humor. "Well, it's just that my son just finished moving his things into his college dorm and is all grown up and—God, come here son.", Tony breathed, pulling Peter into a tight hug. "Not even gone yet and you're experiencing empty nest syndrome.", his son remarked, breathing a chuckle. "My nest isn't entirely empty yet, but I think Morgan may experience withdrawals when she learns that her big Bubba Pe'er can't come home to be her entertainment or pillow the moment she starts whimpering.", Tony countered in the banter.

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