Chapter ten - Eric

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It's been four hours since dinner, Harry and I have since moved back into the office while Marie makes her rounds. Harry is sitting on the edge of the bed looking like a lost little puppy, hunched over, hair covering his face, eyes cast down staring at his toes. Have I upset him? Ever since the dinner incident he hasn't spoke, hasn't signed, hasn't even acknowledged me. I'm starting to wonder if I have done something to offend him in some way.

I rub at my face and yawn into my hands. What if he doesn't like me anymore? Or at least as much as he did before? I glance over at him, he hasn't moved since the last time I looked. He seems so out of himself at the moment... not fully aware, maybe he's trying to ignore everything around him, zoning out because it is easier to do that than to explain what is wrong. Why he is being so detached all of a sudden?

"'Sup, ma ginger!" The voice pulls me harshly out of my thoughts and I have to refrain from rolling my eyes. It's Jackie. Her back is leaned against the door frame, arms crossed over her chest. She's sporting her famous navy denim jacket, with her pink and blonde dreads covering her shoulders.

"How did you get in?" I ask, a grimace resting on my face. Jackie pulls herself away from the frame and comes and sits on the edge of my desk, blowing a bubble with her chewing gum.

"I used something called a door, dumbass." She smirks, her chewing becoming louder. "Who's this?" Jackie nods her head in the direction of Harry.

"His name is Harry..." I say and take a look over my shoulder; Harry is not looking in our direction, his eyes are still focused down at his toes. I can't help but grimace in pity.

"Harry, huh? I knew a guy named Harry once, that did not go down well... " She gives me a pointed look and I shake of my head, ignoring her comment.

"Shut up," I tell her, and she lets out a laugh.

"Hey, Harry." She inclines her head waiting for an answer. "Is, uh... is he deaf or..."

"Hard of hearing, he can hear just not very well... some guys broke his hearing aids." Jackie sits gaping at me, kind of like a fish.
She smiles and then nudges me on the shoulder, "told you that BSL course would come in handy, didn't I?" I wave my hand to dismiss the fact that she is right, it has come in handy but that's not the point.

"Hm. Now, what are you doing here?"

"I thought it was obvious... I've come to pick you up."

I squint, confused.

Jackie looks me up and down disapprovingly and I suddenly feel self conscious. "Please tell me you're not wearing that for the date."

Shit. I had completely forgotten about that, about Eric... I still haven't replied to any of his messages... I catch a glimpse of the clock; 4:50 pm and heave out a breath. I turn my head slightly; Harry is no longer looking down at his toes, instead he is staring at me. His big green orbs are a little unfocused but are still able to seep into my soul, wide, scared and filled with something else but I'm not sure what. Once he notices that I am concentrating on him, he quickly turns away. Giving out a frustrated sigh I face Jackie. "No, I'm not wearing these for the date... because... I'm not going..." I say, quietly sinking back into the chair.

"Oh, well that's a relief because I - Wait, what do you mean you're not going?" The metal piercing in her lip tugs down as she frowns. "You have to go! Eric is probably already at the restaurant."

I shoot up from the chair, annoyed. "I don't want to go. Besides, I've already told you that I'm not looking for any kind of relationship right now." With my arms firmly clamped over my chest I turn around, facing away from her, acting like a little girl who refuses to listen to their mother. My eyes catch Harry's and for a split second I'm sure I can see a flicker of sadness rise in them. "Anyway, I have work to do and -"

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