Chapter fourteen - Sammy-Bird

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A/N: Oh my goodness!!! Ahh, thank you so much for everyone who has voted on this! *Cries happy tears* You are all amazing! 

Warnings (sorry) -

Abuse/Mentions of abuse, Angst,  Tragic death of a ladybird, and Swearing

I am sorry - 


Harry's POV

Pain. Mental, emotional and physical pain. That's all I've ever had in my life. That's all I can ever remember. Is that even normal? People say that you get used to the pain, the worthlessness, but I don't think anyone ever does. You just adapt to it until it becomes second nature. Flinch, obey and he'll stop. Stay silent, don't move, and he'll stop. At least that's what I tell myself.

I can't remember who my parents are, Marcus says they didn't want me anymore. That's why he took me to his house to live with him. He says he is protecting me, says that if I try to run away again, or tell anyone about him, he will just make my life meaningless and futile. Like he does anyway.

Six weeks. That's how long it took for him to find me again. Six measly weeks. I thought that this time would be better, that this time I had gotten away from him for good. That I would never have to see him again. I thought that when I found the shelter, and when I found Sam, I was free. I was wrong.

He finds me.

He always finds me.


It was the night Sam had left and that mean lady hurt me. It was probably only about six o'clock at night when I had ran away from the shelter sobbing like an idiot. Having a panic to myself as Sam left me alone again, no explanation, no "I'll be back soon." Nothing. I couldn't deal with being left again. I couldn't deal with being alone with a woman that didn't even want me there. I was nothing but a burden to her, nothing more than that.

I was too busy being a crying mess, drowning in my own awful thoughts, that I didn't realise I had been latching onto the woman for dear life. I must have done something bad because then she hit me. I didn't even know what I had done wrong, I just assumed because that's what usually happened if I did something wrong. I probably deserved it anyway though, otherwise she wouldn't have done it, right?

Sam wasn't coming back. I wasn't sure if he was ever going to come back. Maybe he didn't like me anymore and that was the only way to get away from me. Maybe he had decided I wasn't his friend anymore. Maybe he finally saw me how everyone else does... If he didn't then why had he left me?

I ran from the shelter, ran from everything. I made it to a back alley not far from the shelter, not many people would usually walk through there, I thought it was the best option. It was only when a group of drunken teens noticed me crying and shaking behind a bin, that I decided it was a bad idea.

It was the same group that had broken my hearing aids. The same group that would make me say things only so they could laugh. This time though, they were being a little too rough, rougher than usual. As I tried my best to leave, they had begun tugging on my clothes, yanking me back by my shoulders, yelling very loudly in my ears asking if I could hear them. They stole my shoes and threw them on top of the roof of a building, telling me that if I wanted them back I'd have to sing them a song. Refusing their request cost me a kick in the gut. After several pushes and shoves I managed to elbow one of them in the in the stomach, distracting them just long enough to get away. If only I hadn't rounded the corner. If only I hadn't left the shelter.

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