Chapter eighteen - Weeks before

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Oh gosh! I'm so sorry it has taken my this long to update :( Stuff happened, life happened... then my hamster died... motivation has been very hard to come by... but I'm getting there :)

So, chapter 18! AHh! This far and the story has so many plot holes, I don't know how you guys are still wanting to read it XD But wait! This will be going under a lot of surgical editing very soon, so don't worry!

I'm also thinking about making a squeal or a prequel once this is done? Let me know what you think - (It will be in Harry's POV)

Anyway, here's the chapter -

Warning -
Accidental coming out


Four weeks ago -

"Harry... no one is going to hurt you, we just need to make sure you're alright." I nodded toward Eric, who was handy with his medical bag pulled up to his chest. "This is Eric, he's here to help." I turned back in time for Harry to leap into me, latching his frail looking arms around my legs for some security and comfort.

"Maybe it would be best to get him moved?" Eric suggested, eyes wandering down to the small male clinging onto me for dear life. "Off of the floor, I mean..." Harry buried his head against my legs, whimpering out a few incoherent words. I gave a nod and began trying to gently coax Harry to the bed, ignoring the small patch of wetness on his trousers and the bundled up sheet in the middle of the bed.

Tiny fingers squeezed the back of my legs, pulling me closer to the point to where I almost fell. My eyes dropped to gaze down at Harry who looked as if he were about to be kicked, or hit or something - as if something in his mind was telling him an awful thing was about to happen to him - or me. Another squeeze at my leg pulled me from my thoughts and as if on instinct, my hands went around Harry and with him being so small he felt like a feather in my arms. But as soon as my fingers grazed over his back he flinched and let out a whimper of pain.

That was how Eric and I discovered the bruises... and the scars... Checking him over for other injuries that he had been hiding from me. That he didn't want me to find or know about.

Because if he was keeping his injuries a secret... it made me think of what else he could be hiding.


Jackie and Eric promised me they would watch over Harry while I went to my Dad's for a 'chat' as Chet had put it. A chat in which I really didn't want. A chat that would be utterly pointless and futile. 

I stood, like a weed, in front of my fathers door not bothering to make any sort of move to knock. I bit my lip and fiddled with my fingers, awkwardly trying to wish myself into invisible mode or at least for the ground to open up and swallow me whole. I knocked and waited. The door, number 38, swept open and revealed Jane, my fathers new wife and my step-mother.

"Sam, it's so nice to see you again." Her smile was genuine, grey eyes creasing at the corners, as her pink painted lips twitched up sweetly. It had always astounded me that my father had managed to marry again, and to a woman much kinder than himself.

"You too, Jane... um.. Is... is my Dad in? He said he wanted to talk..." I scratched at the back of my neck, lowering my gaze and feeling Jane's eyes burn into me curiously.

"Yes, he's just in his office, sweetheart." Jane stepped aside and allowed me to enter through the door. I didn't bother wiping my feet on the rug. I didn't bother taking off my shoes, either.

I offered a nod of thanks before heaving my way up the stairs, and into my Dad's office. He was sat facing away from the door... away from me. Ian's head peaked out from over the top of his burgundy swivel chair.

"Never did learn how to knock, did you, Samuel?"

"S-sorry..." I heard the squeak of the chair as he got up, and watched push himself against the desk. I swallowed hard, eyes darting around the room in the hopes they would land on something good enough to distract me.

He mumbled a few times before stalking over, eyes angry. "Three weeks," he said, his hot breath suddenly sticking to my face. "You had three weeks to plan Chet's party, what's your excuse?" The older man narrowed his dark brows, forehead creasing into oblivion.

Lowering my gaze was a bad mistake of a response as he yanked at my chin to force me to look at him. "I've... I've been busy..." I slowly pulled my face away from him, squeezing my eyes shut, knowing that he would never accept that as an answer. The beam of red that appeared in his face told me that he wasn't at all considering on letting me off the hook.

"You disappoint me, Samuel." He shook his head and clasped his hands behind his back. "You had one job and you can't even do that, you're just like your mother." Ian clicked his tongue in distaste.

"And that's a bad thing?" I snapped, straightening up a little, a frown sitting on my face.

"Yes. Always thinking of herself, never taking into account how others felt about her opinions. She was pathetic and weak-minded, always running from her problems. Forgetting things didn't always go her way. She was a disgrace, just like you." Chet shifted where he stood, but I couldn't seem to bring myself to look at him.

My jaw clenched, hands balled up into knotted fists, eyes narrowed. The blood in my body bubbled to boiling point, as my knuckles became white with the lack of it. "It was a stupid party! A party that I never wanted to be apart of in the first place! I don't understand how I always seem to get the brunt of every-fucking-thing with you and Chet. It makes no sense at all. Shouldn't you love us both equally? At least on some level treat me with a little more respect?"

"Why should I? You're nothing but a let down - everything you've ever done has been a let down!" He screeched in my face, spit splattering on my cheeks. "That shelter you're so fond of, that you built to 'help people' how many people have you actually helped get homes? A job?"

Tears threatened to slip from my eyes, but I forced them back with a harsh blink. "This is about how much I disappoint you, how much of a failure I am to you? This is why you wanted a 'chat'? You really can't stand me, can you?" By this point I'm shaking, involuntary tears streamed down my cheeks which I'm surprised I hadn't been reprimanded for. "You can't stand the fact that I am absolute disgrace to your name, but why? Is it because I'm not like you and Chet? Because I'm not an arsehole?" I screeched out, voice cracking violently.

"That's enough, Samuel!" Hostile and stern, he glared and stepped closer glowering.

"Because I'm Gay!"

As soon as the words had left my mouth, the back of Ian's hand connected with my cheekbone. It burned. The tears fell from my eyes as I brought one of my hands up to comfort my cheek, sniffling.

"Get out..."

I stared at him, un-moving, frozen in the spot. "W-wuh-what?" I sniffled. My body felt like I was floating, lighter than I had ever been only my head was heavy, as if it had been filled with wet cotton-wool. I had said it out loud... to Ian... my homophobic father. The first time I had actually admitted it out loud and it was in a place where I have never been accepted.

"GET OUT!" He screamed and immediately I rushed out of the room, hands covering my face. Heart beating, thudding quicker against my chest as if about to break through my rib cage. A whimpered groan crawled up my throat as I ran out of the front door, ignoring Jane's calls on the way out.

Jumping in the van, not even caring that I'm crying anymore, I gripped the wheel. The cushion of the car seat allowed my head to sink into it, my eyes slowly gazing up to the rear-view mirror, red raw from crying, lips cracked, cheek swollen and bruised.

"I'm gay..." I whispered to myself as a small smile spread across my lips. 

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