Abyssal wolfs

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He walked the barrier from one end to the other, until the four wolves grew tired of following him from the other side and stopped to look at him with piercing gray eyes. It was then that he crossed and, quickly, he raised five earthen walls, two meters high, to surround them, using the barrier of the spring as a sixth wall. After that, he ran towards the weapons he had left behind.

The spear was stuck, but with the help of a sword he could extract it. However, he had lost too much time and one of the wolves had climbed up the wall, jumped, and was running towards him. He saved the spear while picking up the axe and the other three wolves reached the top of the walls. Eldi then used Double Edge and Burning Fire, hurting the wolf with the second impact of the skill. He repeated it a second time before dodging with Feline Response the arrival of the reinforcements, something he repeated twice more before reaching the safety of the barrier, completely cured thanks to the spells cast while running.

Eldi smiled, tired, having recovered two of his weapons and slightly wounded one of the wolves, whose life was now at 130.

He drank some water, but it still had no effect, so he regretted not having any kind of clock to control the waiting time.

Or... Maybe...?

He took a forgotten hourglass out of the inventory, whose amount of sand could be adjusted, and set it to five minutes. When a little later the water took effect, he turned the clock and went into the space he had created within the earthen walls.

The wolves were slow to react, anxious not to see him, and he used this lapse of time to climb the wall. It was not difficult, since the land yielded easily and support points could be created, almost a kind of ladder.

He took out the bow and started shooting at them, using fire on each arrow and pointing mainly at the one who was already wounded. The wolves rushed towards him and tried to climb the wall, but he used Frozen Touch on the wall, making them slide and turning them into an easy and more vulnerable target to his arrows, shooting a total of six enveloped in fire.

When he had only mana left for one more fire spell, he tried to shoot them without it, but the damage was so low that he preferred not to waste them, so he saved the arrows and the bow. The wolves were still trying to climb, frantically, and the ice was losing its effect, so he used the spear with Perforating Impact to reach the nearest wolf, aiming at one eye. It was able to avoid the spear reaching its goal, but not a wound in its face.

In pain, the wolf broke loose from the wall, dragging two others and falling to the ground. Eldi saved the spear and grabbed the hammer, which was on the wall to have it on hand. He then jumped on the wolves, using fire on the hammer and executing the weapon's skill while falling.

The stunned wolves couldn't dodge it and received the impact twice, before reacting and the fourth coming to help. But once again, the man saved the weapon and used Feline Response, reaching the safety of the barrier with only a few scratches. He looked at the clock and waited for the time to end while the wolves got up and looked at him furiously, although they were also beginning to be a little afraid of him. All of them were injured to a greater or lesser degree.

After drinking it again and regaining his energy, he could see how the wolves had vented their fury on the earthen walls, breaking them, and they kept following him behind the barrier, preventing him from crossing safely. He couldn't cross with the weapon imbued with fire or ice, because the barrier prevents it, so he devised a risky plan, trusting in his ability to dodge to return to the safety of the barrier if it went wrong. He was definitely playing with advantage.

First, he created another earthen wall inside and approached the barrier, provoking the wolves and letting time pass to have the power of the spring at hand. And once the hourglass was nearing completion, he climbed up the wall and jumped to the other side, creating another earthen wall just where he had to land. It grew rapidly under him, making him wobble and barely keeping his balance.

From its elevated position, and while the wolves tried to climb up and found again ice, he created more walls to separate and isolate them. It was when he managed to enclose one alone next to the barrier, that he jumped with the spear while the wolf slipped from its attempt to climb. It fell on four legs, but didn't have time to dodge the spear that, with the speed of the fall and Perforating Impact, pierced the side of the beast, despite the difference in level and the passive ability that reinforced its skin.

The spear stuck in the ground, immobilizing the badly wounded beast, an opportunity used to attack its neck with the axe. After several double-edged impacts and half-decapitating it, the wolf died, leaving a large pool of blood under him. The worst news was that the spear had splintered, not surprising as it had been used beyond its means, while the scratches and damage from the fall had been easily healed.

A wolf leaned over the wall, growling, and then another. Eldi, who was expecting a similar situation and had already saved the two weapons and wielded the hammer, hit the Wall with Devastating Strike, causing it to yield under one of the wolves and half burying it in the ground. He then took advantage of its efforts to free itself, and hit it with the hammer'skill. The damage was less than expected since the soft ground cushioned the blow, but he managed to sink it a little more and making it difficult to free.

Just then, the other wolf jumped while a third poked its nose from another wall. Eldi dropped the hammer and took the axe from the inventory, directing a Double Edge rain toward the wolf, with fire included, while the third wolf was getting closer and the first was getting free. He escaped with the last forces he had reserved for dodging, and headed straight to the spring.

After drinking, he turned the clock and went back to the wolves, two of which were protecting its wounded comrade. The other two were also more than bruised, while he was fully recovered, with the only loss of his spear, and the hammer on the other side of the barrier.

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