High human vs Trolls

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After shooting the trolls, Eldi had backed away after seeing that three of them were heading towards him. He left a Burning Wall on the path of ascension, but they crossed it without hesitation. The resistance to magic of those beings was similar to the game, it couldn't pierce through their thick skin. They were only slightly scorched.

But that they are resistant to magic damage doesn't mean that they are immune to magic. Sandstorm blinded them just like any other being who has no skill to counter it. Confused by the unexpected curtain of sand that was attacking their eyes, they fell again and again into Eldi's traps, whether slippery ice or holes created by Mole's Power. Unfortunately for their creator, they weren't deep and wide enough, so they couldn't hold them long, nor did they fall hard enough on the Icicles.

The high human attacked them from a distance with Boomerang, since the effect of Abyss is diminished in beings with large size. In addition, he created barriers with Rock Wall, which the corpulent beings couldn't know weren't part of the mountain. Soon, two of them got into a fight. One had been hit with the hammer and Devastating Blow in the back, meeting the other troll as he turned, and holding him responsible.

Meanwhile, Eldi faced the third directly. With the advantage of Sharpening Senses, he could continually look for his back. Dancing axe was especially effective against an enemy that couldn't see him, and wasn't used to backing down, although he stopped using it after he was hit hard by a Stomp. While using the skill, he was unable to dodge and, although it was able to partially stop the troll attack, he didn't come out unscathed.

In fact, he had to switch to the hammer and use Chainsbreak, because Stomp can restrict movement if it hits, embedding his enemy in the ground. Learning from his mistakes, he dodged all the attacks thereafter. Despite the difference in level, and what part of the damage had been reflected, the pain had been considerable, and his protections were dented. He had to change them for lower leveled ones to keep them from sticking in him.

For safety, he chose to use the spear, keeping a certain distance, while the troll was beating the air or the ground. They were powerful blows, but too easy to foresee. In addition, he frequently fell on the ice, being at that time continuously pierced with Colander. When he finally died, his two companions were still fighting.

Eldi watched them from a distance. Even after Sandstorm disappeared, they kept hitting each other, ignoring the little being hiding behind some stones. When one of the clubs finally crushed the head of the troll that had fallen to the ground, said little one appeared behind the survivor, using Perforating Impact to pierce the arm with which the troll was holding the club.

Then he used Propel against one of the legs, causing the exhausted and injured blue-green giant being to fall. He ended up crushing the troll's head, like that one had done to his partner, turning it into an unpleasant mass of pieces of brain and bones that made him feel nauseous, so he walked away immediately. Although it had no effect on his assistant, who just started cutting and gathering.

"Seriously, troll fat? Can you eat troll meat? I don't even want to think about it," he told himself, as he reached the range of the fight between dwarfs and trolls.

He was glad that the robust dwarfs, more agile than their metal armor could make anyone think, had taken the initiative. He decided to help them once again, keeping his other weapons and taking out the bow.

When they won, he went down to talk to them. Maybe they could help him with the magic platforms. Perhaps, the map wasn't wrong, and they were inside the mountain, in possession of those dwarfs.

He put on a belt with a dagger and a sword, similar to how Goldmi wore it, and a quiver on his back to hide the true. Taking arrows out of nowhere could be suspicious. In addition, he had struck the sword several times with the hammer, so it now looked quite bad.

"An elf? A fucking elf has come to help us! What brings you here, friend?" welcomed him a voice that seemed feminine, although somewhat hoarse.

"Hello, dwarf friends. Are you OK? I can use a healing spell, if you need it," he offered

He used Regenerate on all of them, letting the wounds heal little by little. It is the most effective when you aren't in a hurry.

"Ah, thanks for the help. We were a bit fucked. What brings you here?" asked a dwarf who said her name was Furga.

"My sword has become unusable. I was around here, and since I had heard that you had a magical blacksmith platform, I wanted to know if you would let me use it," he asked, using the prefabricated excuse.

"Shit with the trolls! How could they damage it like this!?" Gimto asked.

"Well, I tripped, so it fell many meters, along with a small rock avalanche. I could find it, but it was already like that," Eldi lied.

"What a shit. The truth is that it looks quite bad. I don't know if you can fix it. But I'm dying to see an elf using the blacksmithing one. Can you really manage it?" Trelka asked, taking off her helmet and revealing her scarred face and red-haired braids.

"Come and try it. I'm also dying to see it," added Trelko, also a redhead and with two little braids like his sister, although in his beard.

Eldi followed them, feeling somewhat guilty for lying to them, for having gotten information out about the platform in that way. They were rude but friendly and welcoming. They didn't get along badly with the elves, although there was a certain rivalry towards them. But having helped them when they needed it, he had become a companion. And so, he was regarded and treated as such.

Two of them stood keeping watch the exit, waiting for a shift, and the rest accompanied him through the tunnels. Far from feeling claustrophobic, as the dwarfs feared, he felt somewhat nostalgic. Although different, they reminded him of the tunnels from the mole-people.

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