Golem boss

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He used a potion to regenerate energy but didn't need a mana one, because apart from enchanting the weapon with ice, he was only using some ice walls. Although their damage was quite low, they had the effect of slowing down the golems, giving him more time to finish off the ones in front of him.

He was always protected by Physical Mirror, and he used Smash Ground while having more than 50% energy available, which caused it to level up to 8. He couldn't avoid some blows or be immobilized from time to time, but the sum of the armor, Steel Body, its own defense and Physical Mirror, made that Regenerate was enough most of the time.

Eldi went backwards little by little through the tunnel, raising a new Frozen Wall each time he did, and thus maintaining a limited number of golems in front of him. Otherwise, they would have ended up overwhelming him.

In the end, his hammer was at 60%, parts of his armor at 40% and his level had almost risen to 25. Luckily he had crafted a second hammer, just in case, and between the armor he had gotten from the deceased adventurers and the old ones, at least he was sure he won't run out of protection.

To recover his strength, he took a break after killing the last golem. Then, he went back to the cavern where the imposing golem boss was. It again stomped, making Eldi feared the worst, but this time only three golems appeared, which were eliminated without excessive complications.

The big rock monster didn't seem to want to move from its position, where one of its feet blocked the passage to the lower floor. Thus, as with the sparkle boss, the only option seemed to be to killing it.

He approached, circling around to see how he acted, and it was turning around, always facing him, but blocking the exit. He didn't think he could sneak behind it easily.

Something Eldi had wondered was why there were so many rocks around the boss, something that was answered when one hit the ground a few inches from him, after being thrown by the huge stone hand. The movement was clear and easy to predict, but the impact of one of those large rocks would be more than a nuisance. He was not even sure if he would survive. So, he considered going back the way he had come, but before he could make that decision, the golem raised both arms and gave a kind of incomprehensible cry.

Suddenly, a circular stone wall had been erected around, preventing him from escaping. He was sure he could break it, but not while dodging the stones. With no other option but to fight, he kept getting closer, casting ice walls on the golem. It did practically no harm, but he hoped to slow it down a bit.

In addition, he created earthen walls on the stones, trying to hide them. The golem boss hit them immediately, but while doing so, it wasn't throwing stones, and it wasn't enough with one blow to completely dig out those rock-like projectiles.

He took advantage then to use Earthquake, quickly reaching the golem and checking that the hammer could damage it. A huge stone fist attacked his position, but it was too slow and the man could avoid it. However, a train of shards hit him, although the damage wasn't too high.

He used Devastating Blow on the leg that blocked the exit again and again, as he had the advantage that it didn't move it. If it did, he wouldn't hesitate to cross the gap and escape that dangerous battle.

No doubt, that boss was much more powerful and dangerous than anything he had faced. It not only had a lot of health, but its strength made its attacks almost lethal. And, moreover, it could prevent its enemy from escaping, or could summon a small army. But it had a weak point: it was slow.

Eldi still had to deal with the consequences of the huge stone being's attacks, such as big potholes or shards every time it hit, but they were more annoyances than real problems. Maybe, the greatest danger was to lose concentration, because the large number of health points was making the confrontation long. However, every time a shard made his skin tear, it reminded him that he couldn't lower his guard.

Little by little, he was weakening the giant, using Devastating Blow if he had enough energy, and always reserving to have Feline Response at hand. And it was at the moment that he managed to lower the golem boss' health points to 5% when that precaution was rewarded.

The golem stood still, like a statue, shrunk in a fetal posture, and began to vibrate, faster and faster. Fearing the worst, Eldi grabbed the spear, put several earthen walls between him and the boss, used Projectiles against me? and Magic against me?, besides the physical and magical mirrors.

And, as he was fearing, the golem exploded, throwing in all directions fragments of rock of several tons, before which the walls could do little. He started using Mill, but when one of those big rocks headed towards him, he had to leave it and use Feline Response. However, there were many large and small rocks flying towards him, so he had to rely on Impregnable while being hit with a force that threatened to break all of his bones.

He survived the explosion, although his leg was caught under one of the rocks, crushed under his weight. It was an intense pain that threatened to make him lose consciousness, and before which the healing was not effective, because the rock was still on top, returning to damage the healed.

In the end, he managed to break it with a hammer and heal, after which he hurried down to the next floor and took refuge in the rest area. He didn't know how long would take the boss to respawn, but he didn't want to take any chances. The end of the fight had been much more terrifying than he could have imagined.

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