1vs1vs1 (II)

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Eldi stopped the sword using Block. He had decided to try this skill and let the Lightning Aura damage his enemy, trusting that, at some point, it would stun him, so he could counterattack. But he was surprised by Shock, a shield hit that he couldn't avoid and that unbalanced him.

His opponent tried to take advantage of that chance, but Balance allowed him to recover quickly and use Shred. The mercenary stopped it raising the shield and hiding behind it, using a skill named Shield Wall.

What Dikgo didn't understand was the damage he was getting each time he managed to hit, since Magic Mirror is a forgotten spell that nobody wants to learn. What is the point of allowing oneself to be hit in order to harm the enemy? Also, since it takes a lot of time and work to learn a skill or a spell, there are others that are more useful.

However, Eldi hadn't chosen it, in addition to being able to heal himself, something even more strange in a warrior. And few battle mages existed, none among humans. Their life expectancy doesn't give them enough time to learn the skills and spells needed to be effective, so they have to choose one path or the other.

But, although it was hurting his enemy, the high human couldn't entrust only in that spell. It wasn't fast enough to prevent Dikgo from drinking another potion before being too harmed, so he could recover.

Meanwhile, the skeleton continued firing its spheres, without changing tactics just because most of them failed or did very little damage. Nor was it being attacked, and it was defending the passage to the next floor.

The Blasts were almost impossible to avoid, but the mana expense was too high for its effectiveness, and the Lightning Aura was also insufficient if it failed to apply its effect, although it was a nuisance to the mercenary.

Dikgo tried again his combined sword and shield attack, but, this time, after Blocking, Eldi turned to the opposite direction to the shield, maintaining the contact of both weapons and escaping the range of Shock. Then, the mercenary jumped back, in order to have a few seconds to plan his next strategy, but an axe was flying towards him.

He dodged it and threw himself at Eldi, though vigilant. His enemy had already made weapons appear out of nowhere, something he had never seen. But he stopped before the Burning Wall that emerged in front of him, and he didn't see the axe that was attacking him from behind. Not only had Eldi had thrown it, but he had used Boomerang, so it had to come back.

The deep cut in the shoulder made it difficult for him to use the shield skillfully, at least until he could drink another potion, five minutes after the previous one. He wanted to gain time, so he tried to move away by stepping back, but again the axe was thrown at him.

He dodged it, this time vigilant on its return, but Eldi hadn't used the skill. In this way, he could wield another weapon, in this case a low level spear that he launched through Javelin. As expected, it was dodged, but Eldi had taken a step forward, approaching, and wielding another. He threw four in a row, always getting closer, and making a deep cut on his enemy's side with the last one, at waist level.

In pain, the mercenary Rolled to get away from the Earthquake impact zone, while the weapons thrown by his enemy were returning to his owner, being collected by a strange creature. He didn't understand what was going on there, why that Fínord could use so many skills and spells, but he didn't have time to think about it. He was busy dodging Smash Ground to the back, because on the sides there were Burning Walls, which seemed to him like a waste of mana.

The attack from a magical area made him understand his mistake. His enemy had been taking him near the floor boss, who had reached both of them with its attack, and was trying to kick him. Then, he tried to pounce on Eldi, but he didn't expect a skill with the hammer as fast as Scatter, which dented his shield, and threw him again against the huge skeleton.

Eldi changed his weapon and used Colander, which is very difficult to avoid if you have a monster at your back. After being pierced a few times by the spear, the mercenary opted to Roll to the side, taking on the damage from a Burning Wall, and escaping from that trap.

A Javelin went after him, although it barely managed to scratch his arm. Immediately, an Earthquake followed, but stepping back and using Shield Wall, he managed to avoid the damage, leaving him in an optimal position to counterattack with Sword Thrust.

The sword pierced Eldi's armor, which, although of a higher quality than his adversary's one, was a leather armor, unable to stop the direct attack of the weapon and the skill. The pain made him release the hammer, at the smile of triumph from his tired enemy, who twisted and pushed the sword to increase the damage, releasing the shield and using both hands.

"I've got you," he bragged, although he was attentive to the possible appearance of another weapon. He couldn't afford to make mistakes, besides he was suffering a damage that he couldn't explain.

The pain was intense, almost impossible to bear, but it wasn't the first time. He needed to get rid of him and heal himself as soon as possible, and Head-butt was the best solution that Eldi could think of.

The mercenary didn't expect it and fell backwards, being immediately blocked by an Earthen Wall. In pain, he ran to Likthon's body and pull the spear out. It wasn't his favorite weapon, but he knew how to use it, and it was better than nothing.

It was then that he realized that the Rock Wall had disappeared, so he could flee, but he didn't want to miss that chance, since he knew that his enemy was seriously injured. He ran to him with the spear in his hand, circling the Earthen Wall, and finding him kneeling and facing the other way, with the bloody sword in one hand, and covering the wound with the other. Dikgo could guess that Fínord was healing himself, and he couldn't allow it, so he attacked with the spear without wasting time, aiming at his neck.

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