Cheater Yang X Shy Neko Male Reader Pt. 2

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"A-ah..." I flinched in pain. I was cutting myself again. Ever since that dreadful day I discovered Yang and Neptune doing..that..I fell into a deep depression. I cut myself regularly. My arm looked like a bar code from the amount of cuts. Blood rapidly flowed out of the newly added cuts. I kept this all a secret from them because I didn't know if she would care or if she would just make it worse so I didn't wanna risk it to find out. "Ow.." I teared up as I decided to stop. I quickly bandaged it up and pulled down my jersey sleeve and sat there wiping my tears when all of a sudden yang burst into my room. She pulled someone into the room with her which revealed to be Neptune. She snickered as she kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck as he held her waist, moans being muffled in their kiss. I looked down not wanting to see it. "Hey loser~ we need money, so I thought you'd be the go to guy" she walked up to me, putting her hands on her hips as she looked down at me. I stayed looking down not wanting to see her. She was clearly angered by this cause she grabbed me by my neko ear and pulled on it and I whined in pain. "Just give me your damn wallet!" She yelled. Not wanting to make her angry anymore I obediently gave her my wallet. She laughed. "Theres a good loser". Neptune chuckled. "Thanks for the money Y/N. I'll repay you by sending you a video of me fucking yang k?" They both cracked up as they walked out slamming my door. I teared up and pulled my sleeve up. "Let the cutting begin.."

Yangs POV:

Me and Neptune were walking down the halls about to go get something to eat. I held onto his arm tightly and smiled. He kissed me on my head softly. "I can't wait for you to fuck me hehe~" I said cheekily. He smirked as he nodded. "And I can't wait to get deep in that tight ass pussy". I bit my lip at that comment as we kept walking out to a restaurant.

- timeskip -

We walked out of the restaurant Y/N took me to a few days ago. "That was great neptune~" I kissed his cheek as we started walking back towards our dorm room. "I feel like beating Y/N up" Neptune said. I giggled at this and nodded in agreement. We started walking to his room.


I kept cutting as I cried to myself. The only person I ever had in my life to care about me was just using me for entertainment. " all I have now..." I cried more intensely as I kept cutting my arms, losing myself in the cutting as I realised the cuts were going up my forearm. I stopped for a moment and grabbed my phone as I got a notification. I saw it was a text from yang saying "Hey! We're coming over to beat you haha! Be prepared!" I didn't wanna endure this any longer. I decided I shall welcome death with open arms. I should leave a note before I go..Not that anyone will care. I grabbed a piece of paper out of my bag and got a pen and started writing my suicide note.

Dear Yang,

I'm very sorry I was a useless boyfriend.
Please forgive me for wasting your life away.
I hope you're happy with Neptune.
Hopefully, me being dead brings happiness to your life.

Yours sincerely, time waster.

I put the note on my pillow and sighed as I sat on the bed and held the knife with a tight grip. Tears fell to the floor along with the blood dripping from my arm. I took a little moment to think about all the good times I had ever had with yang, even if our feelings weren't mutual, at least I got to have some sort of happiness in my life. Hopefully she gets to be happy with Neptune. I took in a deep breath. "I...I guess this is it.." my neko ears flopped down and so did my tail. Without any hesitation, I held the knife to my throat. "3...2....1" without a second thought, I sliced my throat open and fell onto my pillow as I slowly died.

Yangs POV:

"Maybe I'll even break his arm or leg" Neptune said. We both cracked up with laughter as we were reaching his room. Knowing him, he's probably being a weirdo and sitting in the dark. "Why did you even agree to go out with that loser?" Neptune asked me. I giggled. "Even I don't know why. I was pretty stupid huh?" We both laughed as we got to his room door. "Ready?" I asked him with a smirk. "Totally" he replied. I nodded as I activated my gauntlets and kicked the door open. "Hey los-" I stopped mid sentence as I was in complete shock with what I saw. Y/Ns throat had been sliced. "Y/N!" I ran to him and grabbed him shaking his body. "Y/N WAKE UP! WAKE UP Y/N PLEASE! OPEN YOUR EYES!" I held his head as I tried to take off my shirt and wrap it around his neck to hopefully stop it from bleeding. I turned around to see Neptune just staring in shock. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!? GO GET HELP!"i screamed at him. "O-ok" he ran out of the room to go get some help. I focused back on Y/N and teared up as I hugged him closely. "Y/N PLEASE DONT DO THIS TO ME! STAY ALIVE PLEASE!" I cried violently into his chest. "Please don't leave me Y/N....." I pleaded as I cried intensely. After a while, ozpin had finally showed up with a few nurses. They took Y/N away on a stretcher and I looked down as I cried to myself. Neptune was trying to comfort me. I looked up however and noticed a paper on his pillow. I grabbed it and saw it was a me. It read...

Dear Yang,

I'm very sorry I was a useless boyfriend.
Please forgive me for wasting your life away.
I hope you're happy with Neptune.
Hopefully, me being dead brings happiness to your life.

Yours sincerely, time waster.

My heart had been completely shattered. My eyes widen as I just dropped my arms and looked down in shame. ".....what have I done..." I said, disgraced. Neptune was stroking my hair. "Baby it's ok I'm sure he'll survive". "Baby? dare you call me baby..." he looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" I slapped him hard as I grabbed him by his throat and pinned him to the floor as I choked him. "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! ILL KILL YOU! YOU DID THIS YOU EVIL SON OF A BITCH! YOU CHANGED ME AND MADE ME DO THIS! now...YOU DIE FOR YOUR SINS!" Completely enraged, I snapped his neck and activated my gauntlets as I started throw in punch after punch at his face. Even when it was nothing but a bloody mess, I didn't stop. After a while, I finally stopped and fell back, covered in blood. I curled up into a ball and cried silently to myself. "Y/N....".

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