When They're Asked To Go Somewhere

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Requested by: Asahina_Maroon

Masaomi: You want to go somewhere? To run errands? Of course! Why don't we stop by the candy store on the way? *Grins*

Ukyo: The doctors? You want me to go to the doctors with you? *Blushes* That's kind of personal... Oh, you're scared? I'll go with you.

Kaname: I'd go anywhere for you. *Winks*

Hikaru: Ok! You said there was a purse that looked interesting..?

Tsubaki: To the drug store? Then we can go get crêpes and ice cream and hamburgers and tayaki and...

Azusa: Of course, (Y/N)-San. Is it alright if we also go to the Dry Cleaners?

Natsume: Where do you want to go?

Louis: I'll go, but you have to let me style your hair first. *winks*

Subaru: Sure. I haven't been into town in a while...*mumbles something about basketball*

Iori: *As you're going to the place, Iori picks up a flower and places it in your hair*

Yusuke: W-what if someone from school sees us? *blushes* They'll think we're dating...

Fuuto: But what if someone recognizes me? Then the press will be in your business. You won't be able to sleep, eat, or even pee in privacy. That us why I must stay home. *mumbles* If you think about it, I'm doing you a favor.

Wataru: You want me to go to the store with you? I'll go! I have to protect Nii-Chan from all the other men! *runs off pretending to shoot brothers*

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