Your First Date

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Masaomi: *Masaomi takes you to a bakery, or a candy shop. He buys a cake and you two share and talk about how your day was*

Ukyo: *Ukyo takes you to a fancy dinner date and makes sure to buy you the most expensive meal. When you accidently spill your wine on his pants, he takes you for ice cream instead*

Kaname: *Kaname wants to watch a scary movie so you will cuddle with him, but you end up intensely watching the movie and eating all the popcorn*

Hikaru: *Hikaru takes you shopping and you talk about different designers and he buys you an expensive purse you've had your eye on*

Tsubaki: *Tsubaki takes you to a spa and you too enjoy your date until Tsubaki notices that the person massaging you is a man. He gets upset and takes you home, giving you a massage himself*

Azusa: *Azusa asks you what you want to do, and brings you where ever you want to go.*

Natsume: *Natsume plays video games with you all night, and doesn't even get upset when you beat him multiple times*

Louis: *Louis takes you to an amusement park and you two ride roller coasters until dark. Once you're done, he chuckles at you and fixes your crazy, wild hair.*

Subaru: *Subaru takes you to the park and tries to teach you how to play basketball. When he realizes that there's no chance it'll work, you too just watch the clouds together*

Iori: *Iori takes you on a walk, and occasionally stops to pick up flowers. At the end of the date, he takes all the flowers he gathered and hands them to you with a cute smile*

Yusuke: *Yusuke had no idea what you wanted to do for your date, so he rented on of your favorite movies and popped popcorn ands watched it with you.*

Fuuto: *Fuuto takes his earnings from being an idol, and bought you a dress to wear for a fancy dinner*

Wataru: *Wataru wants to get ice cream, and when yours falls on the floor, he happily shares his with you*

Question of the Day
If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why?

Please make more requests, make them as interesting as possible. I also do NSFW!
xoxo Dawnii-Chan

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