When You Get Sick

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Masaomi: *Masaomi goes all out, since he's a doctor. He makes sure you take your medicine before he gives you little treats. He rubs your tummy if it's aching, he feeds you soup if your throat hurts, and he places cold towels on your forehead when you have a fever*

Ukyo: *Ukyo calls in sick to take care of you. He walks around in his pajama pants and a T-shirt, because he know how much you love it when he does. He preforms tedious tasks for you, such as brushing and braiding your hair, putting your fuzzy socks on your feet, and even bathing you*

Kaname: *Kaname stops flirting with you as soon as say you aren't feeling well. He turns very serious and makes sure you're as comfortable as possible. Once you're all settled in, he'll cuddle with you and hum to you*

Hikaru: *Hikaru kisses your forehead and tucks you in. He then quickly prepares you a story and reads to you until you fall asleep*

Tsubaki: *Tsubaki runs to the kitchen and prepares you a tray of cutesy little snacks such as bunny shaped apples, little rice cakes, and a box of your favorite flavor of pockey. He then feeds it to you, and makes you feed him too.*

Azusa: *Azusa carries you up to his room and takes care of you there. He let's you wear his clothes and snuggle with his pillow. He puts on one of his animes for you to watch.*

Natsume: *Natsume buys you orange juice and makes you drink the whole carton. He heard somewhere that it makes you healthier. He cracks up when you make a dozen potty trips.*

Louis: *Louis smiles at you kindly and suggests a bath. While you sit in the bath, Louis washes your back and brushes your hair. You spend a lot of time in the bath, and you eventually pull Louis in with you.*

Subaru: *Subaru is very determined to make you healthy again. He has boxes of calcium and protein bars on your dresser, and keeps trying to sneak vitamin powder in your drinks. You think his effort is adorable*

Iori: *Iori is the perfect boyfriend when it comes to sickness. He runs to the store and buys you juice, helps you with your homework, watches TV with you, and does whatever you say*

Yusuke: *Yusuke blushes at your sick and helpless face. He blushes for so long, it makes you think that he's sick too. When you get up to get him a glass of water, you lean heavily on him to gain your balance. His face turns even brighter as he grabs your arms and leads you back to bed*

Fuuto: *Fuuto laughs when you tell him you're sick. When he sees that you're serious, he gives you one of his rare apologies. He then sets up a bath for you and leaves to go to the studio*

Wataru: *Wataru runs to his rooms and grabs as many stuffed animals as his arms can hold. When he runs back into your room, he lightly tosses them on you, and eventually falls asleep in your lap*

Guys I'm so sorry that I haven't been keeping up with this!! I just started a new boarding school, and everything was so hectic for the first 3 days. I'll start posting again, don't worry!

Question of the Day

What sports do you play?

I just tried out for the Volleyball team. Unfortunately, I didn't make it. But I did earn some nice bruises!

xoxo Dawnii-Chan

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