When You Try To Seduce Him

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Scenario: You lay on the couch and wait for your boyfriend/husband to come home. You smile at yourself, waiting to see his reaction when he sees you in nothing but your new pitch black lingerie. You hear the door open, and he says "I'm home!". You wait for him to walk into the living room.

Masaomi: *When he enters the room he drops his bag and puts his hand over his face, trying to cover his blushing cheeks* (Y/N)-Chan, a-are you asking me for a c-child? *His words are muffled by his hand and you grin* "Well, that depends, Masa-kun. Are you going to indulge me?" *He gulps and nods*

Ukyo: *When he enters the room, he coughs a couple times, almost choking. When he recovers, he says* (Y/N)-Chan, what are you doing? Aren't you cold? *you smirk* "Of course, Ukyo-kun. Why don't you warm me up in your bed?" *Ukyo agrees by trying to take his tie off and his shoes off at the same time*

Kaname: *Kaname enters and just raises an eyebrow at you, then smiles* Ah, looks like you have to take care of my boner now, (Y/N)-Chan. *He nods his head in the direction of the bedroom* Go get ready, kitten.

Hikaru: *Hikaru does something totally out of character when he sees you. He curses, thinking he walked in on you. You giggle* "Hikaru-kun, I did this for you. I wanted you to see me." *When he hears this, his sighs a sigh of relief and crawls on top of you* Good. *He says this inbetween kisses*

Tsubaki: *Tsubaki gasps and looks at the floor* (Y/N)-Chan, this may be a little too sexy for you. *Tsubaki looks a little uncomfortable, probably because his boner was growing larger by the second. You pout, hoping to get him more aroused.* "So you don't like it? I'll go change th-" *Tsubaki stopped you and kissed your neck* No, don't change. Stay like this, (Y/N)-Chan.

Azusa: *Azusa looks surprised for a moment, and stands in place.* "You okay, Azu-kun?" *Azusa knew that whenever you called him Azu-kun, you mean business, he gives you a closed mouth smile and kisses your forehead* Let me go get ready, (Y/N)-Chan.

Natsume: *Natsume quickly closes his eyes.* Am I dreaming? (Y/N)-Chan, what are you wearing? *Since his eyes were still closed, you decided to describe yourself for him* "Well, I'm wearing a new black thong and a lacy br-" *Natsume's eyes shoot open and takes in your body.* Is it my birthday? A holiday? *You giggle at his reaction, and grab his neck to pull him over top of you*

Louis: *Louis glances at you and places his stuff down gently. He then takes off his shirt, and straddles you, and starts kissing your neck.* "Well hello to you too, Louis-kun" *You giggle into his hair. He stops and looks into your eyes for a couple of seconds.* Hello, (Y/N)-Chan. Fancy seeing you here. *He chuckles as you press his lips to yours*

Subaru: *Subaru looks at you like you're crazy, but his bright red face and slightly tented pants betraying his face.* (Y/N)-Chan.. g-go put some c-clothes on! *You slowly get up and walk towards him. He turns around, not wanting to tamper with your purity by looking down through your bra. (Just pretend you're shorter than him) You wrap your arms around his waist and press your chest into his back. You then slip your hands into the waistband of his pants, massaging his area. He groans out of pleasure and quickly gives in*

Iori: *Iori tries to keep his composure, and greet you normally, but he almost melts when you hop off of the couch and jump on him, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck.* "Iori-kun! I missed you so much!" *Iori grabs your butt to keep you from slipping off of him, but he falters when your lips connect to his neck. He chuckles nervously and slowly removes you from him.* (Y/N)-Chan, let me get changed first. I don't want to dirty my uniform again. *He winks at you and starts taking his clothes off*

Yusuke: *Yusuke bites his lip and his eyes widen.* A-are those new? The l-lingerie, I mean? *He asks you gulping, slowly walking closer to you* "Yes it is. But it's a little itch, so I'm gonna take it off" *When you take off your lingerie, Yusuke's nose starts bleeding. You giggle, and he tries to take care of it as quickly as possible while trying to take off articles of clothing*

Fuuto: Damn. *Fuuto mutters this one word before briskly walking up to you.* Stand up, dear, and let me see your new bra and panties. *You did as you were told, but when your back was to Fuuto, he quickly unclasped your bra and slipped your panties off. You gasp shortly, and find his lips on yours, and his hands roaming your body.*

Wataru: // "Nee-Chan put some damn clothes on" just kidding

Question of The Day (#2)
If the boys were turned into girls, which one would you end up hanging out with the most?

I would probably be best friends with Tsubaki, my best friend is just like him, all over me and stuff  (´・ω・')

Hey guys. I posted twice today because I feel like I haven't posted in a while. If you want a part 2 for any of the boys, you can request it!!! I do take NSFW/Lemon requests, but I also take SFW/fluff requests, so please don't hold back!

xoxo Dawnii-Chan

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