The Other Petrova

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Charlotte's POV


"Mama!" I ran with the basket full of flowers, the sun was setting soon. I ran up to mama who was doing that folding clothes. "Mama!" I said trying to catch my breath.

"Are you okay Charlotte?" Mama asked putting the last clothes in her basket.

"I got the basket full of--" I heard shouting and screaming of pain. I ran inside with Mama following the sound of cries and shouts. We ran into the room where Katrina cries in pain.

"Mama! What's happening?!" Katrina held onto her big belly.

"Charlotte! Help me bring Katrina to the bed!" Mama yelled. I helped carry Katrina to her bed. Mama opened Katrina's leg. "Push Katrina darling! Puush!" Mama shouted. I ran over holding Katrina's hand.Katrina screamed in pain.
Hours of labor

"Push Katrina! One more!" Katrina held my hand till it was white. Katrina yelled for one last push and then we heard a cry.

"It's a girl." Mama said. Katrina and I smiled at each other.

"A girl...Mama, let me see her." Katrina said. The door banged loudly. We turned to see Father angry grabbing the baby.

"Woman DOnt! Bring it over here." Father yelled at mother. Mother walked over to father handing him the baby.

"Let me hold her just once...just once... " Katrina pleaded

"Forget it... your a disgrace to the family." Father left with the baby.

"Father NO! NO!" Katrina tried to get up only to get pushed back mother holding onto each other.

"No Katrina... it's best for her." They cried into each others arm. I ran following father outside. I ran in the dark.

"Father! Please!" I caught up to father walking. "Please father. Let me take the child."

"No!I'm going to kill it.." Father said.

"Please father. Let me give it away to someone who want it... please.." I begged.

Father looked at me then handed the child to me. "Three days to hand it over or I'll kill the disgrace." He said walking away. I looked at the cheasnut brown eyes baby girl who looked so much like Katrina. I smiled at the baby. I looked at father walking away then I took off to all the village around the area.

3 days later

"Please, take her." I begged the woman. "Please, or shall she be killed by my father."

"I don't know." She looked at me.

"please Mrs. Gilbert. A poor girl needs your help or else my father shall throw this child in the pond left to die." I pleaded.

She looked at her husband by her side.

"Alright. We shall take her." a smile lit on my face and I handed the child to the woman and her husband. "She's beautiful." her husband said.

"Thank you very much." They nodded then I ran back home. I was going to tell Katrina that her child is safe with a happy home. I ran then I saw Katrina get hit by father outside our house. I ran to her sied on the ground. I saw her bruise face.

"Are you okay?" I asked she just nodded as we both got up. I looked at father "What's going on?"

"This girl is a disgrace, she's banished here!" Father yelled.

"No! Father!--" Father grabbed me to his side.

"Leave! NOW!" Father yelled. I saw Katrina looked at me then start walking away.

"NO! SISTER! KATRINA!" I was held by father crying. "DON"T LEAVE SISTER!SISTER!" I yelled.

3 months later.

I can't believe that Katrina is gone... my sister... my big sister is gone. I shook it off and started picking the flowers, mother told me to pick until supper was ready. I picked up the last flower into the basket. I walked into the village where everybody was still playing. I walked over to the Gilberts house. I knocked and Ms. Gilbert came out. I smiled.

"Good evening Ms Gilbert. I came to give you the flowers just like you asked." I handed her the fowers. I smiled. She smiled back at me holding Katrina's 3 month old baby girl Hope. "She's getting cutier everytime I see her." I smiled at her.

"If it wasn't for you. We would not have such an angel... just like you." She smiled. Mr. Gilbert came to the door smiling at me.

"Evening Charlotte, you must come have supper with us. I just killed a wild pig." Mr. Gilbert said.

"That is quiet nice of you. I should not bother your supper together." I said.

"No, you gave us a mircle. Come, we want to thank you for being so kind." Mr Gilbert said and I could not say no to him he was like a father I always wanted. I smiled and came in.

After Supper

"That was delicious Mrs. Gilbert. Thank you for having me." I got up taking the plates. "Shall I help you clean?" I asked.

"Oh no dearest. It's fine." She grabbed my plate. I looked at the cup of wine. I took a sip of it.... odd taste..
"This taste different." I looked at Mr. Gilbert.

"We had got it on a bargain. This man said it was from a rich kind of wine that will make us younger." Mr Gilbert laughed.

"Really? I shall drink some more then." I smiled and drank some more... but something was off about this wine.

"Your like a daughter we always wanted." Mr. Gilbert smiled at me.

"Thank you Mr Gilbert but by the way you raise Hope she's going to even more beautiful than me." I smiled at Hope. "I must get going to my family. Thank you for having me." I smiled at them then they led me to the door. I started walking to my far away to my house.

I smiled at the basket of flowers. Hope is beautiful just like my dear sister Katrina... how is Katrina?Is she well?

I heard a scream and looked up seeing men killing my father and mother with my other sisters. I gaasped and hid behind a tree. I looked at the men going out of the house, they were dressed fancy. I quickly tried to see the mens faces only to step on a branch, A man shot a look over at me then I dropped my basket of flowers and ran into the forest. I was going to be killed....

I was going to die! I ran faster branches hit my face and caught in my hair. I kept running my heart beat was running faster than I.

I looked back seeing him only far then I tripped on a branch causing me to fall to the floor. I saw the mans foot I scrump myself up to crawl backwards then I hit a tree looking at the man under the moonlight.

"Please... Please... do not kill me..." I pleaded. I saw the man's warm brown eyes gazing into my blues.

"What's your name?"  He said.

"Charlotte Petrova." I said. I slowly got up. "Please do not kill me.... Please....I beg you... do not kill me..." I pleaded almost tears in my eyes... he was silent then he frowned. He reached to touch my cheeks slowly going down to my jaw then I heard a snap... I fell to the floor ... everything was black.

I flickered my eyes.I saw two figures of a girl looking at me. They wore strange clothing. I looked at the coffin then back at the girls.... "Where's Klaus?" I asked the girls.

What do you guys think of the first one? You like it or no? Should I make the next one? Tell me?!!

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