Chapter II, Food Chain

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When I open the fridge to take out some marmalade for my toasts, the rotten stench of spoiled food assails me. The power in the building has been out for 2 days now. A common occurrence during summer or winter in the slums. This time it was caused by a rat eating up the power cables. A technician came yesterday, so it will probably be fixed by today or tomorrow. Luckily, we didn't have much food in the fridge, so our finances won't take a big hit.

I grab the marmalade, gaging a few times in the process, and head back to the table, where I hastily spread it over the toasts. I eat my food like a starved beast that hasn't been fed in years. But my mother eats slowly and unenergetically. Like it takes all her effort to eat just a single mouthful. That is definitely a bad sign. She looks thin and frail, as if the wind could blow her away. It makes me panic.

A few minutes later, I'm done eating and rush to my room to get dressed in my uniform: a white blouse, black dress pants, a dark blue jacket, black shoes, and a black tie. The jacket has a breast pocket on the left, next to my heart, and the school emblem below it. The emblem consists of a shield containing a golden embroidered lion with a red tongue that looks like a flame standing up on two legs. The shield frames the lion and has the following phrase inscribed in it: Permitte Divis Cetera. 

Once I finish with my uniform, I put on some shabby, cheap grey pants and a dirty brown coat on top of my uniform. Last thing I need is some scumbag seeing my uniform and killing me because I go to a rich boy school. When I'm done with my attire, I grab my backpack, say goodbye to Mother, and head outside.

The time's 5:45 and the hallway outside of floor number 7 is still pretty dark since it's still early in the morning and not much of the sun is out yet. I shiver. Not because I'm afraid of the dark, but because I'm afraid of what could be in it.

I search the hallway uneasily, looking for any signs of life. I can't really see anything, so I strain my ears to pick up any noise. It's dead silent. I can't even hear the rustle of the wind. I conclude Mises Rathcrane for once has left me alone, so I take advantage of this and move hastily to the elevator. I am moving so fast I'm almost sprinting. Who knows when the ugly bitch could come out.

It seems my guardian angel is finally smiling down upon me, because the elevator is already on this floor. I waste no time, quickly pressing the button to open the doors and bursting inside like a madman. I then whirl around, press the lobby button, and then smash the 'close the doors' button repeatedly. The doors take forever to close but when they do, I exhale a sigh of relief. 

And that's when I feel a pair of huge hands on my shoulders, "Why are you in such a hurry, Boy? If I didn' know better I would have said you've seen some kind of monster." chuckles the rough and hoarse voice of Mrs. Rathcrane in my ear. 

I am petrified, like a statue, and I don't even twitch a single muscle. Do you know those moments in life when you know you fucked up- badly -and can't seem to know what to do? Well, that's me right now. Mrs. Rathcrane grabbed me with her two huge, fat arms and crushed me towards her, right into her obese and greasy stomach. I am engulfed in it and I struggle to breathe. Her skin is full of huge red and yellow cysts, and in my struggle to get air, I end up touching one of them. The thing bursts, spraying my mouth with a yellowish-white liquid, and I end up swallowing some of it, and I don't know what it is, and it's disgusting and hideous, and I'm gagging, and I can't breathe, and she is touching me all over my body and fondling my ass, and I can't take this anymore, and I can't breatheI can't breatheI can't bre- 

My body moves before I can react, punching her right in the jaw, with an uppercut. The huge fat lady that is taller than me by a couple of heads stumbles backward a few steps, holding her jaw and glaring at me. 

She is boiling with anger. But anger isn't the only thing that is boiling. Her skin bubles and expands and contorts as her body changes. Her bones crack on certain places, bending and fracturing in a way not quite right. Wings explode violently off her back as she screams in pain. The sound is shrill and acute, like the sound of nails on a chalkboard. 

"You are going to pay for that!" She hisses. Her face isn't even human anymore, looking like the bastard child between a cockroach and a praying mantis. "Without your little medallion, no one will care what happens to you. I'll torture you slowly," She savors the word, "so slowly, that when I am done with you you will be begging for death." Her inhuman eyes take on a crazed look of pleasure as she said this, most likely imagining all the foul things she wants to do to me. 

By now she looks more insect than human. Her arms have split down the middle, becoming 4 long and thin black limbs with needle-like spikes protruding down the length of them.

What she said ringed alarm bells all over my brain. And even though I want to puke and rip my throat out piece by piece to get rid of the hideous feeling in my mouth, I choke out, "W-wait! I have the medallion in my pocket!" Suspicion clouds her gaze, but she can't risk killing me if I have a medallion, so she watches me carefully with her huge and alien black eyes that protrude out of the sides of her head. 

She comes closer and now we are eye to eye, and I can see the eyes have many hexagonal channels in which I can see myself reflected hundreds of times them as if I was watching hundreds of little TVs. My heart is beating so hard as I take out my medallion from my coat's pocket that every time it swells, I feel a heavy impact from the inside, like some little guy was hitting my ribs with a hammer.

The horror that resembles a fat fly inflated on blood snatches the medallion from my hands and stares at it intensely. 

10 very long seconds pass, before she angrily punches the wall of the elevator to the left of my head with one of her spiked limbs, punching a hole through the cheap metal, and leans down into my ear on the opposite side, "One of thessssse days, when your mother diessss, I'll get you, Boy," She says in a distorted chittering voice. She then takes a moment to groom her mandibles with her pedipalps, "I like cute young onesssss like you bessst. They always cry the mossst, chichichi" 

A bell chime rings in the air as the elevator announces it has reached the lobby, and the doors open. Mrs. Rathcrane looks at me once more chuckling with her inhuman jaws and then leaves me there. My knees feel weak, and they are shaking so hard I end up falling to the floor in all fours. There I give in to the urge to vomit that I was repressing for fear of being attacked, and I sit there vomiting and crying for a long time, feeling dirty in all the places she touched me.

When I manage to calm down a bit, I grab the small golden medallion from the floor and clip it to my earlobe. The medallions are earrings that syred humans and their children wear to identify them as such. They are a symbol of protection given by an eldritch master. I can't believe I was so stupid. I forgot to put it on before going outside. That's like begging to be killed. I always take it off when I go to sleep, but this is the first time I forgot to wear in years. That fucking dream must have really messed me up.





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