Material for Combat Zone

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Finally, I made it to the city, or what was left of her. The buildings were grey and withered, and some of the walls were falling down from the effects of extreme weather. 

The Elder Races had spent centuries planning their coup d'etat,, However, the circles eat up a huge amount of mana, which requires a lot of mages and salaries to produce. "The waste" and its inhabitants were not deemed worth the effort, with the Marburg virus floating around. This is the reason why the buildings around here are in such bad shape. Sometimes the weather goes crazier than normal and shifts from scorching hot to my finger just fell off cold from one day to another. This causes the ice to melt and get into the cracks filling them with water, which when the cold returns, expands and cracks the buildings even further.

Anyways, now was not the time for rest, having a pack of rabid monsters on my tail and all. I had managed to shake them off, but it wouldn't stay that way for long, unless I camouflaged my smell. The infected had a dreadful sense of smell. Once they scented you, they wouldn't stop until they'd caught you. When I say "won't stop", I mean it literally. The infected don't feel pain nor exhaustion, so they will run until their body breaks. This is caused by the parasite eating the parts of the brain responsible for those functions.

No matter what I do, I should get out of the streets, moving through the buildings will be much more secure.

I move to the front of a dilapidated apartment complex. Time and neglect have done a number on it. The elements had eroded the walls, making some of them fall down. The building looks like it will barely live through the month. Its emergency staircase stopped abruptly at the 6th floor. The top part had broken down. 

An emergency staircase, for those too lazy too google

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An emergency staircase, for those too lazy too google

The door is lying on the floor, covered with snow, so I just walk right in. Inside it's even darker than in the street, without moonlight I can't see anything, so I turn on my flashlight on my hazmat mask. Now with the faint rays of light illuminating 2 meters in front, I tread carefully as to not make any noise, double checking everything as I go. The lobby doesn't look much better than the outside. The paint in the walls is peeled and in the process of falling down, there're even splatters of old, dry blood in the floor in some places. I can see the elevator, or what's left of it. It appears to have fallen down in some kind of accident, crashing down in the lobby and making a mess and bending the steel doors. They are open in the middle and bent to the sides, like the button-down shirt of a very fat man.

I keep moving upwards, taking the stairs. I'll need to go up to the 8th floor in order to jump to the next building. On the way, I keep straining my ears to pick up any strange noises. The infected have the nasty habit of ambushing you when you least expected it.

I make it up to the 6th floor without incident, but before going to the 8th, I decide to check for ghouls. I wouldn't want to get trapped there, so I'll break a window in the 6th floor, hide, and then move upwards if the coast is clear. If there are more than I can handle, I'll just jump through the window to the emergency staircase.

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