Chapter VI, On the Hunt

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[Talon's Pov]

I made my way out of the safe house, locking it of course. Wouldn't want some random guy to stumble on my stash of "work equipment". They are pretty hard to get these days. The Capitol Defense Force (C.D.F.), most commonly referred to as "the city guard" had a tight grip on the weapons market. Such was their control over the districts that it was difficult to even breath without them knowing. The city guard was essentially the police from the old world. And just like the police, it tries to defend justice. Justice, of course, isn't one definite thing. It is subjective and ends up being what the majority of the citizens perceive it to be. Since humans are slaves and not citizens, then naturally the C.D.F. won't represent their interests.

The city guard is fully comprised of Eldritch. However, some Eldritch are more equal than others. High humans are rare in the Defense Force. Actually, they are rare in any position of influence or prestige really, since they are at the bottom of the food chain in the social strata. At best they are 2nd class citizens, at worst they are slaves like regular humans. I'd say the main reason is that we look identical to normal humans. High Humans were promised equal rights and treatment to the other Elder Races by the 1st Caesar, Julius Regius Puresilver, in an effort to gain their support in the war against the humans. Unfortunately, this was changed when Arthurius came to power. He claimed that High Humans were too similar to the treacherous humans. All High Humans would now start as Servants, essentially a slave with more rights and freedoms. They and their descendants would have to prove their loyalty and worth to The Empire. After a certain amount of generations of service, they would be granted citizenship. However, people would still treat them as 2nd class after they become citizens.

A high human is a mixed race. It has Eldritch and human blood. Officially, a High Human is someone with at least 50% Eldritch blood and if you have more than 75% Then you are an Eldritch. This blood is the reason they can even hope to gain citizenship. 

Unfortunately, not everyone follows the law. Slavery supporters are not above crippling high humans' magic circuits to keep them as slaves. I know that very well. One of my best friends, Mordred, got captured and is kept as a slave for the Royals at Regiis Palace. The 7th Caesar Marcus Aurelius Regius Vilatrine became obsessed with torturing him after we successfully assassinated his grand-father, Caesar Arthurius Regius Pentadragon.

 The 7th Caesar Marcus Aurelius Regius Vilatrine became obsessed with torturing him after we successfully assassinated his grand-father, Caesar Arthurius Regius Pentadragon

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                                                 ~Marcus Aurelion Regius Vilatrine~

This was all back when the resistance was able to put up a fight. I was part of it. Well, more like we had a common interest at the time so we cooperated.

I knew the resistance was a doomed endeavor from the start. It had its days counted, but I needed some scarce materials which were closely guarded by the Royal Guard, the creme of the crop of the C.D.F.; they are above the law and in direct control from the Royals.
Anyways, I managed to make contact with the military group. Luckily my former position as District 1 ruler and me being the infamous serial killer known as Talon opened some doors for me.

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