Chapter 36

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I couldn't see anything, but I knew that there was something wrong. I turned and shook Aneel to wake him up.

"Aneel! Aneel wake up, fire, Aneel!" I yelled. He stood up and looked around. When he realized what was going on, he grabbed me by the hand and tugged us out of the room. There was a light coming from the kitchen and when I looked at it, it was indeed fire. I panicked and hold his hand tighter.

"Go wake up Rabia. I'm going to take Leyla" he said before giving my hands a squeeze. I nodded and he looked me deep in the eyes. I couldn't see it properly but his eyes held so much emotion. It felt like we stared at each other for hours but it was just a few seconds.

"Sahra, be careful. Take them and get out of the house. No matter what happens, get out of the house" he said and I ran towards Rabia's room, waking her up. I didn't even remember how I got outside. There were people everywhere and I saw a few ambulances. I looked beside me and saw that Rabia had fainted. Everyone was screaming. People were running but I couldn't do anything. I fell onto my knees. I didn't even realize I was crying. My whole body was shaking and I felt dizzy. I closed my eyes and just wished it was all a dream. 'Don't worry, it's not your time to die. Everyone has a date, an hour, a second when they're going to die. Don't be scared' that voice said but even that couldn't calm me. I needed something else to calm down. I needed someone else to calm down. I needed Aneel. And that was when I came back to senses.

"Aneel!" I yelled and tried to run back inside. He needed me. He couldn't stay there. He needed help. When I was about to go inside, a few men stopped me. I tried to fight them but I couldn't. They were too strong.

"Let me go! I need to go inside, he is still there!" I yelled but they didn't listen. Didn't they know that my everything was in there?!

"You can't help him. We do our best" and they said a few more things but I didn't listen. The only thing that came to my mind was Aneel dying. What if.. what if he was dying? No, he couldn't. He promised me. He promised nothing would happen. No, you dumbhead he didn't, a voice said in the inside of me. I couldn't take this. I needed him. I felt that the men who were holding me were tugging me backwards. I couldn't even protest anymore.

"Hurry up! It can explode!" A voice yelled and that was when I lost it. I felt nothing but could only cry. I couldn't do anything. He was going to leave me. He just wi-

"There they are! Set the ambulance ready, hurry up!" another voice yelled and I looked up. There was he. Aneel, covered in black, with Leyla in his hands. He looked so weak. He gave her to someone else and fell to the ground. He coughed and couldn't breathe. I wanted to run to him, to hug him and never let go, but my body seemed just off. He was now lying there trying to breathe but I still couldn't do anything. It was like I was frozen. People were around him doing stuff I didn't even want to think about. What if he couldn't breathe anymore? What if- That's when Aneel coughed again and opened his eyes. He sat up with a sour expression and I ran up to him. I ran to him and just let me fall on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in it. He was hesitant for a second but put his arms around me too. He hugged me like we hadn't seen each other for years. I placed my hand in his hair and stroked it. I pulled away and looked at his face to see if he was okay. I placed kisses everywhere but his lips. I didn't know what had taken over me but I didn't care. He almost died.. Aneel had his eyes closed like he was enjoying it. I then put my arms around his neck again.

"I was so scared... so scared that.. that you wouldn't make it" I said crying. I said Alhamdulillah over and over again. He couldn't know how happy I was that he was okay.

"Sssht.." he whispered, not knowing what else to say.

"Don't leave me.. please don't leave me Aneel" I whispered in his neck, loud enough for him to hear. He just tightened his grip on me and we stayed like that for what felt like hours.

It had been a week since Rabia's house burned down. We were still shocked and a bit shaky. Leyla was having nightmares every night so Aneel was always by her side which caused Aneel no sleep. I on the other hand tried to support him but he blocked me out, as always.

"Sahra, can you take this plate to Aneel and wake him up? He has not eaten anything" Rabia said, giving me a plate with food. We were staying at Aneel's house which he had in Istanbul. It was not a big house, just with two rooms but it was okay. I didn't really care. I made my way over to the bedroom. It was now afternoon and Aneel had been sleeping the whole day cause he couldn't sleep at night because of Leyla. I placed the food on the other side of the bed and sat down.

"Aneel, wake up" I said and he slowly turned around. He looked at me for a second before closing his eyes again.

"Aneel, you need to eat" I said and he opened his eyes again. Then he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. My eyes widened, cause Aneel never did such a thing.

"Not.. hungry" he said, still sleepy. He looked so peaceful I just smiled at myself.

"Come on wake up. If you don't.." I said and he smirked still with his eyes closed.

"What will you do, huh?" He said. I thought for a second but didn't reply. He opened one eye before closing it.

"Exactly. I am going to sleep a bit more. Get out" he said. 'You lost' I thought and bent down and kissed his cheek.

"What the hell, Sahra!" he said while wiping off his cheek. I gave him 'grandma kisses'. I call them that cause my grandma always kissed me slobby and slimy and it was just...ew.

"I told you. Now hurry up and eat this food or I'll give you another" he just rolled his eyes and stood up. When he was about to say something, his phone rang. He looked at the ID and raised an eyebrow. Then he looked at me and I shook my head to ask what was wrong. He ignored me and answered the call.

Final Editing Done (25-10-2016)

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