Chapter 57

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We were like that for a long time. Just sitting and not saying much. After the last thing Yessin said, I didn't respond and he didn't ask further. It was like we felt when to stop and when to talk. I looked up and saw him looking somewhere with a frown. I just poked his side and he snapped out of his daydream.

"What is he doing here?!" I heard Aneel snap and I stood up when I saw him coming over to us. I knew that he has this annoying short temper so I grabbed his wrists and let him look at me. When he finally did, I gave him a glance which told him to shut up and he didn't say anything else.

"He is welcome here Aneel, always" I said and Aneel shook his head before protesting like a little kid.

"Are you out of your mind?! They kidnapped you! They hurt you! How can you be so comfortable around them? What if-" he said but I interrupted him. It was enough.

"You are the one who got me involved in this. You are the reason I got kidnapped. And you are the person who hurt me the most" I said, feeling bad that I lied about the last sentence I told him, before turning to Yessin. He looked at me, asking with his eyes if I needed help but I shook my head. He then gave my shoulder a squeeze and made his way out of the door. When he was gone I sighed before walking away. But of course Aneel had to grab my hand.

"I am sorry.." he whispered looking anywhere but my eyes. He intwined our fingers and I really wanted to hug him.

"For what exactly?" I asked him. I really didn't know. I mean, we never talked that much. I didn't even know what page we were on.

"For everything.. I was always so fuc-"

"Language" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I was always so 'mean' to you, and I am really sorry" he said, emphasizing the word mean as if to ask if that was right. I thought about all the things he said. He called me bad things, threatened me.. I didn't know if I could ever forgive him for that. I didn't know if I was able to forgive my past. He did good things too. He stood up for me. He was there for me. But still, the feeling hurt was stronger than happiness.

"Aneel.." I said placing my hands on his cheeks. He looked up at me and I felt immediately a pang inside me. His eyes, his eyes just showed so much regret.

"Aneel, we both need time. I understand why you did it all. I mean, you went through Hell too. But we need time to fix things between us. It's not that easy and you know that" I said and he nodded.

"I know, I just wanted you to know that I am really sorry" he said and I kissed his nose. He smirked lightly before hugging me. This guy was going to be my death.

"Let's call Hamza to tell him to come with his wife?" he asked me when I was thinking about what I was thinking but snapped out of it and smiled and nodded. I hadn't seen Masara since I got back with Aneel. I also wanted to thank her. Just for staying with me and being there for me m. Aneel sat down on the couch before calling Hamza.

"Hamza get your wife and come here" he said and I rolled my eyes. Really now? Who does he think he is? Its a human he was talking to. I grabbed the phone out of his hand and ignored his protests.

"Hamza, sorry for Aneel's inappropriate behaviour. We just invite you guys to come over you know, to hang out or something?" I said, not really sure. I mean, I'd never invited someone that way. Don't blame me. Hamza just laughed and I heard Masara's voice at the background.

"Its okay, I am used to it. Give us twenty minutes" he said and we ended the call.

"That's how you invite someone" I said, not really caring that it was my first time. Aneel rolled his eyes before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to lean with our backs against the couch. We sat like that for what felt like hours. His scent, it was like everywhere. It was so good.. so comforting..

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