Chapter 56

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I stood up and made my way over to Aneel. He was fuming.

"Can you explain to me what you were doing in that hole?! Do you even know how dangerous that is?! What if something happened?!" He yelled and I was really confused. Was he really mad about this, when he was the wrong one here? I was about to yell at him when I heard a voice. 'If one of you is fire, the other needs to be water. Be patient. Be silent. If you are going to yell too, it will make everything worse'. That voice.. Its back! I smiled and then realized that Aneel was still there.

"Is it so funny?!" he said and I just sighed.

"You lied to me. You said you were in Turkey, but I see you here, fighting with him. Am I that annoying that you just wanted to go?" I said softly, trying not to sound mad. I looked up at him and met his eyes. His bright green eyes looked so sad. As if I was saying something that hurt him.

"I didn't lie to you" He said quietly. He made his way slowly over to me.

"I was really there. I just got back yesterday. I was heading home but Yassir saw me and we argued. After that he dared me to fight him in the ring. Stupid reasons though. I'm sorry" he said, his voice cracking at the end. I sighed and closed the gap between us and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt him tense under my touch and he looked at me confused.

"Aren't you mad?" he asked with confused eyes.

"I am, but I just want to hug" because I missed you.. I said the last part in my head, not daring to admit it. I didn't know what the feelings were that were walking in my body but I knew that I liked it. After a few seconds, I I felt him putting his arms around my waist, hugging me tightly. It felt so good, just being in his arms.

After a while I released my arms and Aneel looked me deeply in the eyes. I shook my head a bit as if saying 'what?' but he didn't respond. It was like he was captured in my eyes, in a whole different world. There were so many emotions in his eyes, but I could just see him hiding it all. I put my hands on his cheeks and put my forehead against his, ignoring the tingles going through my whole body.

"What's wrong Aneel?" I said, making sure that he knew that I cared.

"Its just.. I am scared of this feeling. Its so weird. I didn't even think once about Maryam there. The only person I thought about was, you. I am just scared" he whispered so quiet, I think he didn't want me to hear. But I was glad I did. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his nose, surprising myself.

"Its okay, maybe this is a sign that you.. that you actually forget about her. I don't mean it that way, I meant that you don't love her anymore, maybe.. I don't know" I said, regretting it. I didn't want him to snap at me. He released himself and walked away from me and I sighed, mad at myself. I always ruin everything.

The doorbell rang and I went to open it. I hadn't seen Aneel since the last time we talked. He was in his room the whole time and I didn't bother going, to give him space. I opened the door and I was, for some strange reason, very happy. I looked at him for a second and he at me. When I snapped out of my daydream I put a step aside that he could come in.

"Come in.." I said. Yessin just half-smiled and went in, putting his shoes off. I led him to the living room and he sat down. My mind went to Masara. I guess she went home.

"I am sorry I.. I just came.. I nee-" he was rambling but I cut him off by sitting beside him and putting his arm around my waist while putting my head on his shoulder.

"You are always welcome here" I whispered and closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. It felt really good, maybe even better than hugging Aneel.

"I need to ask you something" he said stuttering. He never really knew how to act around me and it was kind of cute.

"Just ask" I said and he took a deep breath before asking me the question, I never thought I would hear.

"Dad.. dad isn't doing well, he wants to meet you"

Final Editing Done (04-11-2016)



Islam is my Life:)

Lately Ive seen too many muslims sisters commenting on non-Islamic books and I just needed to do this after all I had seen. First of all, I am not here to criticise you or pointing out your flaws. I am just doing what a muslim sister should do. You know, I was reading non-Islamic books too. But after a while I realized how much it influenced me. I was just daydreaming about the characters and their love. I am here talking about non-Islamic romantic stories btw. Anyway, I was thinking about all this lovey-dovey and one day it just popped in my head. What the hell was I doing? Didnt I know that it is haraam? Was I really that low to spend my time reading haraam stuff instead of reading Quran or praying the prayers I missed? Or just hangout with my family? When I realized that, I immediately removed them all from my reading list. Guys, its haraam. With movies when a inappropriate scene appears, we always look away right? But why reading such stories with the same things? Guys please, say bismillah and remove them all for your own good. After a while you will see how much it influence you. This is a life with an end, so before it end, do something useful. Like go out and walk around and explore the nature Allah has created so flawless. Go to your family and just laugh with them, cause one day they will be gone, just like you. How are you gonna explain the time you spend to all these stories to Allah? How are you gonna say 'I had no time to pray, cause I was busy reading haraam stuff on Wattpad'. Just before its too late, open your eyes. Cause one day your eyes will be closed for always, and than, there is no way back.

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