Chapter 55

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I felt everything in me freeze. The thought of Aneel getting hurt ate me alive. Hamza nodded at me, signing for me to follow him, and I did. I heard Masara yell at him to come too but Hamza yelled back saying it was dangerous. What was? I mean, they wouldn't hurt someone else, right? We made our way to the car of Hamza and stepped in. I didn't like the feeling of being alone with a male, even though he was no harm, so I opened the window. We drove in silence. I didn't dare to ask anything, because I knew I wouldn't like what I would hear.

After a good fifteen minutes we pulled up in a dark alley. I felt nervous. Everywhere was dark. For some strange reason, I wasn't scared that Hamza would do anything to me. I saw how much he loved Masara, so I trusted him. He walked into the darkness and I followed him, but he stopped me.

"Don't be scared. Look, sister. You have to stay beside me. Don't go anywhere else. Don't leave my side. Its dangerous, okay?" he said and I nodded. We walked further and I saw a light coming from somewhere. We made our way over to it and I saw many people. I meant, men. Huge men. Hamza grabbed my arm, looking at me with an apology, and tugged me inside. The first thing that hit me was the smell. I smelled blood and sweat. I scrunched in disgust and looked around. I now could understand what he meant with 'dangerous'. It was very dark inside but I could make up all the scary faces of the men. They were looking at me hungrily and I stepped closer to Hamza, feeling scared. We made our way to somewhere back and went into a huge door. There were so much people, I think I'd never seen that much people. They were yelling and yelling. Hamza tugged me into the crowd and before I could understand anything I saw it. Yassir. Aneel. Fighting. In the ring. I wanted to step forward but Hamza stopped me.

"It's not safe" he said and before I could protest I saw Aneel punching Yassir very hard on his face. I let out a little gasp. We may be not on good terms, but my heart still ached at the sight. Yassir fell to the ground and tried to stand up.

"Ladies and gentleman. If Yassir doesn't stand up in three seconds, this match will be Osman's" I heard a voice through the speakers. I looked around and saw people counting. Just when they were about to cheer, Yassir stood up and punched Aneel in the stomach, so hard that he fell to the floor. My heart couldn't take it anymore and I stepped forward. I needed to stop this, no matter what. Just when I was about to reach the ring, someone put his arms around my waist. I froze. The tingles.. I turned around and saw him. Yessin. He looked at me guiltily and I wrapped my arms his neck and buried my face in his chest. His grip tightened and I felt so safe, it wasn't sane anymore. After a few seconds I released my arms and looked up at him.

"Make it stop.." I whispered in his ear and he just nodded, before pushing me to Hamza, who was standing beside us, and made his way to the ring. I saw Yessin going in the ring and step between Yassir and Aneel who were standing so close. If they didn't wear boxgloves, I was sure they would've been on each other's throat. I let out a big breath when I saw Yessin grabbing Aneel's arm and tugging him along. I saw that Yassir was following them so I followed them too, Hamza never leaving my side of course. I followed them and saw Aneel sending a few punches to Yessin. Yessin didn't even flinch, even though my heart sank. I could stand Yassir getting hurt more than Yessin, for some strange reason. They made their way to a room and I followed them. I actually ran to catch up with them. When I went inside I saw Yassir sitting on a wooden chair and Aneel stood at the other side, arguing with Yessin. Just when Aneel throw up his arm in the air to punch Yessin, I stopped it.

"If you ever touch him again, I will never forgive you" I said bluntly, trying to sound emotionless. Yessin looked at me with wide eyes and I just looked away. I felt so sad, it just hurt. I closed my eyes. I needed it. I needed the voice. I tried to concentrate, but it didn't come so I got angrier and opened my eyes before making my way over to them.

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