chapter 9 Inside the devil's den

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Jannah pov

Today was a regular school day, the only special thing about it, was that I didn't have to see James's smirk after his lunch with my family.

After finishing my classes I waited for Sophia to pick me up so that we could go to work on our project in her house. I was really nervous and I didn't know why?!! Maybe because I have never been to hers before!!

" Hi!! " I said, smiling, when I saw her approaching me.

" Hi, let's go!! " Sophia said in the coldest way ever.

" Okay! " I responded instantly.

We got into her luxurious car, and she drove off fast.

I knew that she didn't like me in any way. Then why did she pick me to be her partner?! Everytime I think about the answer my heart skips a beat. I didn't like that, I didn't like that at all.

We didn't say a word the whole way to her house.
It almost took us no time to arrive at her house -more likely- her mansion!! It was huge and extravagant like the ones we see on TV. It was breathtaking.

" Woww, I bet they lose each other inside it " I mumbeled.

We got out of the car without a word. she led the way, and I didn't want to lose her. If I lose her in this palace of a house I would die of starvation before anyone could find me.

We climbed tons of stairs in silence until we reached the right floor. She led the way to one of the rooms.
" Here!! " she finally said.
The room was huge, it could fit a whole family, it had a feminine touch to it so I guessed that it was hers.

" Do you want anything to drink or eat? " she asked pretending to care.

" No than...." I couldn't complete my sentence because she cut me off saying.

" Good that's good, I have a phone call to make, I'll be right back " she said

" Okay, make yourself at home " I said sarcastically, trying to alleviate the tension. She didn't even smile.
Great Jannah, just great, now I look like an idiot.

I sat down on a pink chair, got my laptop out of my bag, put it on the table in front of me, and opened the file in which I saved my work yesterday.

I was immersed in the work on my PowerPoint presentation, when I felt some air passing by my right cheeck. I looked to my right and I realised that it was Richard, his eyes looking directly into mine. I usually have strong reflexes, so my body acted instinctively to the surprise and I fell to the ground with the chair.

" Ahhh" I screamed. It was really painful. I knew instantly that I twisted my ankle. But what was more important than the pain was what the hell was Richard doing in this room??!!

" I knew that you like me, but I never knew that I knock you off your feet, literally!! " he said devilishly.

" What are speaking about?!!! " I shouted at him.

" Don't worry it's gonna be our little secret!! " he whispered.

I was on the ground in pain, I wanted to get up but I couldn't. He noticed.

" Here " he said stretching out his hand to me.

I looked at him in doubt.

" Don't worry, I won't bite, here " he repeated trying to reassure me.

I didn't have a choice so I gave him my hand, and he helped me up.

But instead of letting go of my hand, he grabbed both of my arms and pinned me to the wall.

" You fell for it!! " he said laughing at me.

I wanted to free myself but he was definitely stronger than me, I had no hope.

I noticed that he was looking directly into my eyes, so I looked away.

" What?!! You hate my pretty face?!! " he asked sarcastically
" A lot of girls dream to be in your place right now " he continued, but only then I smelled his stinky breath, he was drunk. Of course I didn't know what a drunk breath smell like, but the only other explaination of that smell was the he had a dead rat right inside his mouth.

" I'm not one of your girls " I said.

" Feisty, ha!!! " he said laughing.

He was narrowing the gap between our faces gradually, so I decided to take my last chance of resistance.
I turned my face to face his, and I spat at it.

" You will regret this!! " he shouted at my face. My eardrums were definitely punctured. His humor turned into seriousness.
I didn't know what he was going to do.

I was petrified in my place, so I turned to Allah.

" Allah, help me " I said making dua'.

He was closing in again, this time with his whole body. I tried to move my hands but he had them under control. It was like pushing against a wall, so I closed my eyes, praying for a miracle.

Suddenly I couldn't smell his stinky breath anymore, my body was free at last and I fell to the ground.
I opened my eyes, he was on the ground and James was on top of him.

" What the hell do you think you are doing??!" He screamed fanatically at Richard, punching the hell out of him.

" Answer me?!!!!! " James said punching Richard
" Answer meeeeeeeee?!!! " James repeated angerily.

I was still on the ground, shocked at the scene, trying to make sure that Richard didn't tear any part of my cloths.

" Alhamdulilah " I said inhaling deeply, as if I wasn't breathing this whole time. Then for a split second I felt sympathy for Richard, I thought James was gonna kill him, so I crawled to where James was, I put my hand on his shoulder and said " Stop, stop, I'm okay, it's okay " James was breathing heavily, I could feel his sweat on my hand, he was seriously angry.

After breaking every bone in Richard's body, James turned to face me.

" Are you okay?? " He asked putting his hand on my head trying to calm me down.

" Thank you " I whispered.

" It's okay, come on, let's get out of her " he said out loud.

I tried to get up, but I couldn't on my own, so James had my arm wrapped around his neck and helped me limb out of that ominous mansion. Then we got into his car.
He saw that I was still in shock.

" You are safe now, I'm gonna drive you home and everything is gonna be okay " he said trying to calm me down.

" Thank you for being a hero in there " I said trying to smile at him.
Of course I was feeling safer around him, but I still had so many questions inside my head.

How did James know I was there?? Did Sophia set me up? Did she know about this??? And why suddenly Richard became interested in me???? Most importantly why did James punch his best friend to defend me?? I think I missed a lot of things, a lot have been going on behind my back.

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