chapter 24 The shooting

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Jannah pov

" What was that ?!! " I said on hearing shots fired.

" I don't know, let me check out, just stay here " James said in an ordering manner.

He went downstairs, towards the big gate of the hotel, in seconds he came back.

" The gaurds were shot " he said grabbing my arm.

" What?!!, What do you mean ?!!, Who would do that ?!!" I said panicking.

" I saw Shane and Artemis, they have guns " he whispered.

" What?!!, Why?!!" I said as my heart dropped.

" Just come with me, everything is gonna be okay " he said.

He took my hand, and entered the hall were the prom was held.

" Just stay where you are " he said heading towards the stage.

He took the microphone from the teacher who was announcing the prom King and queen.

" You need to get out now from the back doors, there are shooters outside " he said loudly.

Everybody started to panic, abandoning their dancing partners and running for their lives.

I was pushed and fell down, sombody stepped on my leg, twisting my ankle, I couldn't get back up.

" Hey, are you okay?!!, we need to get out now" James said.

" I can't walk " I said in pain.

James looked at the elevator, then looked at me.

" Okay come, I have an idea " he said.

He helped me up, I started limbing to the elevator, and we went up to the second floor of the hotel.

" They won't find us here " he said trying to reassure me.

He had the key to one of the rooms, he opened it, and we went inside.
He opened a giant wardrobe, and took my hand pushing me inside it.

" What are you doing ?!!" I asked.

" I'm trying to hide you, it's gonna be okay, don't worry " he explained.

I was petrified, but he tried his best to calm me down.
Suddenly we heard a voice outside the room.

" Where is she ?!!" The voice said.

" It's Shane " James said.

" How did they find us ?!!" I started to panic.

" Maybe from the security cameras " James explained.

" Is he after me ?!! " I asked James in fear.

" Look at me jannah, I'm here, I'll be always here, everything is gonna be okay, he won't dare to touch you when I'm around " James tried to calm me down looking into my eyes.

" Okay, okay " I said.

" Now, promise me, whatever you hear or see, don't move, okay " he said putting both my hands over my mouth and closing the wardrobe.

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