chapter 2 Remembrance

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Jannah pov

Dr Miller and Dr Kent noticed the shock on my face,

" Do you know him, Dr Mohamed ? " dr miller asked.

" Yes, yes, unfortunately, we.....we went to high school together " I replied in hesitance.

I wished that my brain was playing tricks on me, I wished that it was somebody who looked exactly like him, I wished that it was just a.......dream, but no, this time it was real, this time I was wide awake.

" Dr Kent, can I take this case? I believe you are totally capable of handling it, even better than me, but, I'm doing this for an old friend?" I asked him kindly.

I knew it was rude to do this on my first day, but I couldn't trust any other person but myself, I felt I had to make it up to James for breaking his heart.

" Yes.....yes, of course, I understand, I'll give you his file " Dr Kent replied.

I guess he turned out to be a gentleman after all.

Dr Miller read the look on my face so he looked at dr kent saying,

" Dr Kent, I guess she will need sometime alone with her...old friend " he said.

" Of course " Dr Kent replied, then both him and Dr Miller left the room.

I waited till I heard the door close behind them, then I took off the tough facade I was putting on in front of them.
I cried.............
Here he is, the man I thought that I've saved, lying in front of me, dying.

He was connected to every single life support machine I knew, the sound of the ventilation machine was driving me crazy, the peeping of the ECG monitor was getting on my nerves, I wanted to take them and throw them out of the window, but I knew that he couldn't live without them. I was in denial of how dangerous his case looked, but it looked hopeless.

I was standing by his bed, leaning forward, whispering into his ear,

" I've missed you so much, that it hurts like hell, but I never wished to see you here, what happened to you, James? I have so many questions in my head, I wish you were here to answer me, what did you do with your life? Who can hate you this much to do this to you? " I said to his unconscious body.

But, I was talking to myself, he could never hear me, even if he did, he could never respond.

" James, I still remember, I still remember everytime you came to my home and asked to speak to me, I still remember everytime you wanted to speak to me at school, I still remember every massage you sent me on Facebook, begging for a reply, but I had to block you, I had to push you away, I did this for your own good, I did this for you, you may not understand, but this is the ugly truth. Dreams were my curse, and you had to carry the burden with me, but it kept haunting me, every laugh, every smile, every moment of joy, it haunted me, and they still do. Maybe that's how we are supposed to be, meeting only in dreams, maybe dreams are our safe haven " I said, struggling to control my tears.

With all the sadness in my heart, I don't regret it, I saved him once by pushing him away, and this time I'm gonna save him again.

" How many times do I have to save your ass? " I said through my tears.

" Allah help me " I prayed, before opening his file.

His file said that he was shot in the right temporal area, this lead to a comminuted fracture, intracranial heamorrage, and a contaminated wound.
It also said that he arrived in state of heamrragic shock, and that received 5 liters of blood transfusion.
It said that James underwent 3 surgeries, he had been in coma since his arrival, and that his coma is estimated to have a score of 10 on Glasgow coma scale, which wasn't good at all.
I needed to know everything about his case to be able to help him.

I closed the file and looked back at James.

" What the hell happened to you? Who wants to kill you? " I said before some tears rolled down my face.

I couldn't handle it any further so I left his room, leaving my heart behind.
I went to the room where I was supposed to stay on my nightshifts, I was alone, so I locked the door behind me, took off my hijab, and washed my face in the bathroom, took off my shoes, and made my wudu, I had to pray the prayers I missed on the road.
I kept praying that Allah would help me to help James, and I cried at some point.

As I was finishing my prayers, somebody knocked on the door.
I got up and opened the door, a nurse appeared.

" Dr Mohamed, somebody hear wants to see you " she said.

" My doctor sister " a familiar voice said.

" Hassan, what a surprise?!! Give me five minutes, I will change and meet you in the lobby of the hospital " I said.

I didn't want him to know about James so I tried my best to put on a happy face.

After five minutes, I was sitting with my brother, in the lobby.

So Hassan now is the complete opposite of what he used to be, he is responsible, religious and hard-working, he got a job in one of the local newspapers, and he found a beautiful Muslim girl named Jamilah that he is marrying in 2 weeks.

" Sister, you don't seem really happy about the new job ? Are the people here giving you a hard time for being a muslim" Hassan asked in concern.

" No, no, everything looks good so far " I replied, trying to reassure him.

" Then why the sad face, I can tell you are hidding something, tell me sister, maybe I can help? " Hassan said.

" Okay...okay... So guess who is my first patient here ?!" I said in hesitance

" Who, sister? " Hassan asked seriously.

" It's James Wayne, you remember him? " I said.

" Of course, what about him? " Hassan asked, his seriousness even grow more.

" He was shot in the head, he bled profusely, he has been in coma since five weeks, and it doesn't look promising, it's considered a high risk case, even if he wakes up, he is expected to have some neurological deficits " I explained.

" Ya Allah " Hassan said in shock.

We didn't say a word for about five minutes, we just looked at each other in shock of how strange this life is.
I believe the name - James Wayne - brought so much memories to his mind as it did to me.

Finally Hassan spoke,

" Jannah, I didn't only come to see you on your first day here, there is something else " Hassan said in hesitance.

" Then what is it ? " I asked, seriously.

" Jannah, I think it's time for you to know the truth!! " Hassan said.

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