chapter 22 Facing the truth

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I met a superhero
I lost her
I want her back
She did things to me that no one else could
And I miss that

Don't wanna talk about it
I was so wrong about it
Can't do a thing about it now

Cause they say if you love her let her go
And they say if it's meant to be you'll know

James pov

I looked at Jannah she was crying and shaking, her hijab was taken off her head, it was in Sophia's hand who was tearing it into pieces, she looked at us in victory then walked away, throwing what was left of Jannah's hijab.

But I didn't care about her, I only cared about Jannah and about finding a way to calm her down.

Jannah was crying and shaking like a baby, I wanted so bad to hug her at that moment and let her know that it was okay, that I was there for her, that I will avenge her pride, but I didn't want to add insult to injury.

The headscarf for her wasn't only a piece of cloth to just cover her hair, it was part of who she was, it was part of her degnity, and also part of her pride.

I took off my jacket, and put it on her head.

" Here, take it, it's okay " I said trying to calm her down.

I could understand her sorrow, she felt as if her pride crumbeled into pieces in front of her.

I could see the sense of helplessness in her eyes, she was paying for sombody else's fault, not only her but also her religion is being blamaed for it.
And for Jannah, her religion was all she had got.

" Come, let's go home " I said trying to help her up.

After about ten minutes she calmed down, and stood up, I followed her to my car silently.

The whole way to her house we didn't say a word.

When we arrived at her house, her mother opened the door for us,

" What Happened?!!!" She said
hugging her daughter.

I explained everything to her, she thanked me, I told her I didn't deserve it.

" Come in, let me see your wounds " she suggested.

" Thank you ma'am, I'll be okay " I said leaving.

" I'm afraid my wounds were deeper " I thought.

I went back into my car and looked into my rear view mirror, my face was swollen, I barely identified myself.

" Oh God, my parents can't see me like this " I said to myself.

I didn't dare to call Jannah that night, I was dying to make sure she was okay, but the last look I saw on her face frightened me, I didn't have the courage to speak to her.

I was afraid that she would have belived Richard, I wanted to tell her that what he said was a lie to tear us apart.

Next day at school, I looked for her, we had chemistry together at the end of the school day, so I waited for it.

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