The Cute.....Ghost?💙

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This is a request from @uwuowonvn
A/N I'm sorry for not getting it to you sooner! 💔💔

~Leo's POV~
Mikey has been telling me he thinks there's a ghost going around the sewers.  And you're gonna ask me 'Are you afraid of ghosts?' Of course I am! Haven't you seen those Snapchat videos of  people finding ghosts in their videos?! It's creepy! Soooo, I did the most smartest thing ever. To get Donnie. "Hey Donnie, I need you to accompany me to finding ghosts in the sewers." "Ugh,fine! You're glad you're my brother,or else I would've said no." Donnie said. We walk in the tunnels, Don looking at his nerd gadgets looking for movement other than us. Wow,I sounded so smart! But my thoughts were put on hold when Donnie said, "Hey! Stop! I think I saw a ghost over there!" Don whisper yells at me. When I put on the nerd goggles Don gave me,I actually saw a ghost! As I looked,I could see that it was a girl that looked my age. That's saddening,dying at a young age. But she was kinda cute! You know, for a ghost and all..I tried looking at her without my glasses and I could still see her! -sigh-! She's so pretty! "Hey bro, there is a ghost! And it's a girl!" I say happily. "Woah,hey uh,ghost person,can you come out? We won't do anything to harm you like sucking you up in a vacuum or something like that!" Don yells. The girl comes out with a shy look on her face.
~Y/N's POV~
I hear someone calling out to me, telling me to come out and that they wouldn't harm me. How do you think I ended up in this state? Well,my dumb self decided to look over to where the voice was coming from. I walk out and they run towards me asking me a load of questions. "Hello miss,I just want to ask you a few questions like-" "Why are you so pretty even though you're a ghost?" The blue clad turtle interrupts the purple clad turtle. I blush at the comment that was made about me. "T-thanks. It's been a while since I was called that. And if you want to ask me about how I ended up in this state,my explanation is reserved,because I've been in this state for so long I can't even remember anything." I lie. "Oh. Well, let's go back to the lair and tell Mikey that there's nothing to worry about anymore." The purple clad turtle said. "Wait! I never got your names!" I say. "Oh well sorry for not telling you sooner! My Name is Leonardo,or Leo for short. Oh and him, his name is Donnie." Leo says,not caring about his brother. "Oh,well hi! I'm Y/N, N/N for short." I say,smiling. "Well would you look at that,a pretty name for a pretty girl." Leo says. "Aha,t-thanks." I say blushing.
*A few months later*
Me and Leo have been friends for a while. Even though he's been dropping pickup lines and flirting. Maybe he likes me I don't know. But, i bet today is the day.
~Leo's POV~
Today is the day that I'm telling her about my feelings. It's the day I get to tell Don "I Told You So!"
I walk out to the sewers with the device in my hand. (It's a device that turns you back to human:)) "Hey beautiful? You out here?!" I ask. "Hehe,thanks for the compliment,and yes, I am here." She says coming out of her hiding spot. "I've got something for you. Look! This device can turn you back human!" I say excitedly. She jogs over in awe. "Ok let's do it! do it work?" She questions. "All you have to do is sway your hand over it and POOF! you're back human!" I exclaim. "Ok,here goes!" She says happily. She sways her transparent hand across the device,and all I can see is a bright light. I turn away from it because I don't want to burn my eyes. I mean duh! Who wouldn't? Donnie? Nevermind. Then I see a S/C girl with H/L H/C hair. "Woah, you're even more beautiful in person and color!" I shout. "Daw, you're to sweet Leo." She says. Hey,I like you. Like like like you...wanna, go out with me Y/N?" I ask getting straight to the point. "Sure! I've liked you too Leo."
And BAM! Y/N's my girlfriend! And I run to Don's lab and yell out, "I TOLD YOU SO! YAYYYYYyyyy!"
Making him almost drop his experiment.
I'm back!!! I've finally had time to do this again! I'm sorry for everything. And thank you guys for understanding and the best. THANKS FOR 2k!! THANKS FOR 3k!!! WHAAAAAAAAAT?!!!!!
And I'm finishing my crap I haven't finished :,)
Bye stars! ⭐️

Author-Chan out

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